Photoperiod Teetee goes to the 'dark side'

So sorry that you can't get a grow on @Taipan, I really hope things change.... once you get used to having limitless supplies of top drawer bud, scoring again will be a nightmare.

It's day 21, so let's start with the group shot...
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clockwise from top left: PAK2, DF, PAK1 and Gorilla.

They all have a Skyline 400 LED each to bask under, now that I finally changed the plug on unit 4, and I'm feeding them about 4-5L daily if I can manage it.
They seem to be filling out the 25L airpots nicely, so I'm hoping for a good run over the next 14 days and flip them at about 5 weeks.

The PAK1 is back in action, I am now giving her the same EC0.9 strength feed that I'm giving the rest.
She's just popped out her 5th node, the new leaves are looking lush and green, and although the older leaves look strange, they seem to be functioning....
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I wanna give her a few more days before thinking about topping her. She is developing nice looking side branches under those 3rd and 4th node fan feaves, and I'm thinking about defoliating her to expose more new growth.

PAK2 is looking a lot more developed. I topped her last week on day 18 and she now has 7 nodes, and nice looking side branches.
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Gorilla is also looking great, again I topped her on day 18, leaving 7 nodes ....
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I've been leaf tucking (on them all), and you can see how those side branches are doing...
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Finally the Des Frans. She is the picture of heallth...
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I topped her on day 19, again leaving 7 nodes....
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I'm gonna pop out in a minute to get some soft wire, and get going with LST on the longer side branches for the big three.

Cheers for looking in, gotta run!
All looking rosey in here, got them under control so far
Looking beautiful as usual Tee.. great work :d5:
cheers Hope, these Fems need a bit more work compared to Autos. I was up till gone 3am last night fucking around with them! Having the dark period during the heat of the day (midday till 6pm) means I can't get much done in the tent during more civilized hours.

I going grow at my mates place but it will be another month. hate buying weed as you don't get good quality or it cost to much.
Plus there's the hassle of going out to score running the risk of getting stopped etc. That's one stress I hope to never deal with again! Good to hear you have a new space on the horizon.... get some beans soaked a week before you move in Bro. Got any quick strains?

Woohoo would ya look at that! They are of and racing arnt they.

Going to be awesome to see what you can do with these.

My predictions are you are going to need a bigger boat! (Tent haha) or you reckon they will stay smallish now you topped them?

I got my new seeds I'll start one in a few days
Ha ha Fatr mate gonna need a bigger everything, Now I've topped them and done some LST, they look like thy are gonna be HUGE! I'm pleased to hear you are about to crack some beans Bro, what have you got then?

All looking rosey in here, got them under control so far
Only just Ribbzy mate, they are like a like a flock of wild stallions, chomping at the bit!

The PAK1 has picked up and is looking green and healthy.....

day 26 PAK1.JPG

I think she just needed a stronger feed, so upping the Nitrogen did the job.
She's very squat though, so I topped her 2 days ago on day 24, done a bit of leaf tucking and I've removed the fan leaves from the bottom 2 nodes.

It's day 26, so at 2.30am this morning (last night) , bearing in mind I have to go to work today..... I thought I should get on with some LST!!!

I started with the Des Fran. She was nice and easy to do as she is well spread out with nice thin Sativa leaves, and the stems are a good length to work with.

day 26 Des Frans 1.JPG

I pulled the stems down so they were almost at 90° to the main stem and tied them down with soft wire hooked into the holes in the airpot.

Here she is from above. You can see I topped the main stem on day 20, and I'll top the longest side branches in a couple of days.

day 26 Des Frans 2.JPG

I'm keeping her and the PAK1 on an EC0.9 feed, but I might up the strength for the PAK1 fairly soon, to match the feed I'm giving the PAK2 and Gorilla.

The PAK2 was next. Here she is from the side.....

day 26 PAK2 1.JPG

Because she's a lot bushier with fat Indica leaves, she was a bit more difficult to do, but I managed to expose a load of tops, and I will adjust the ties on a daily basis if needed. She was topped on day 18, and I'll top some of the side branches at some point.

This is the PAK2 from above...

day 26 PAK2 2.JPG

About 2 days ago, I noticed the newest leaves were coming out very light green, so that's why I upped her feed to EC 1.0. She responded well to the increase in feed and has greened up nicely again.

Gorilla is living up to her name... she is a beast. As she was doing so well, and because I had to make up a stronger feed for the PAK2, I decided to give her the new EC1,0 feed as well, She looks very happy.....

day 26 Gorilla 2.JPG

She has been growing perfectly, nicely spaced out with lots of light penetrating through even though she has relatively fat leaves. Her stems are nice and long so doing the LST was a breeze.

Here she is from above. Topping was done on day 18 and I'm sure I'll be topping those side branches as well.

day 26 Gorilla 1.JPG

By the time I finished, it was 3.30am! Just enough time for a group shot.......

day 26 group.JPG

clockwise from top left: PAK2, DF, PAK1 and Gorilla.

So did I go to bed, or did I skin up a tiddler?

Well it's 9.15am, I've got a joint in my mouth and I've spent 15 minutes writing up this post..... it's gonna be in the high 30°C's today, so I can relax in the knowledge I've called in sick today!

Have a great day everyone. I will!
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Looking nice teetee bro.
My mate got cuttings for me. power kush and Incredible Bulk’s from Dr. Krippling seed CO.
not sure where the power kush from but its lovely smoke.
Are they 20l airpots in a 4x4 tent Tee? Just noseyin lol
Yeah man, I thought they were 20L till I managed to squeeze 25L of coco into each one on this grow.
The tent is 1.4m wide each way and 2m tall so guess it's just over 4ft wide what with all the sagging walls and shit.
Seems to work well for me, 4 big pots.... I know it's not everyone's cup of tea... on UK420 I was getting heaps of growers telling me to pot up a few times, but this is my way....
It was @Taipan or @otuaflower (I'm so confused Bro) who got me onto the big airpots after he grew a stonking great Automazar back in the days when everyone thought LEDs were crap.

BTW @Taipan .... the clue is in the wording, Power and Kush.... gonna have to be a good one with that name!
Thanks for saying so @KonopCh perhaps it's because I plant the seed direct in the medium instead of soaking and paper tissue etc. I think handling the seedling stresses it and delays growth, this way I get a 3-4 day headstart! The PAK1 missed out on that early growth spurt as she went funny after 3-4 days..... maybe that's why she's so squat compared to the rest?

Ha ha I'm giving them 5L a day now... that's going into 25L of coco, and I get a tray of run-off.
As for the Sahara..... this country has got desert, but we're more in subtropical jungle.... my tent's recording 31°C max and 24°C min, and I have the lights off 6 hours from midday, during the infernal heat of the day.... outside it's 36°C during the day and 25°C at night phew!

Thanks for your best wishes mate, let's hope, eh?
Yeah man, I thought they were 20L till I managed to squeeze 25L of coco into each one on this grow.
The tent is 1.4m wide each way and 2m tall so guess it's just over 4ft wide what with all the sagging walls and shit.
Seems to work well for me, 4 big pots.... I know it's not everyone's cup of tea... on UK420 I was getting heaps of growers telling me to pot up a few times, but this is my way....
It was @Taipan or @otuaflower (I'm so confused Bro) who got me onto the big airpots after he grew a stonking great Automazar back in the days when everyone thought LEDs were crap.

BTW @Taipan .... the clue is in the wording, Power and Kush.... gonna have to be a good one with that name!
I am also ledbud on other forum @Teetee bro. @otuaflower used to help me with the auto mazzar grow. that in 2013 bro.
That's my ideal set up.. 4 bigguns in a 4x4 or a 5x5 tent with skylines galore up above :smoking:unfortunately I'm confined to as many 3L airpots as I can squeeze into the little 80 x 80cm tent atm!!
@Teetee mate looking beautiful, I wish my plants looked like that at a young age lol, and those autos you posted? 15oz! Fuck me side ways pointy end first! Look at those colas :drool: I could never grow autos, always had stunted growth for the first few weeks, maybe you are right about handling a seedling, lucky to pull 2oz per auto under a 600w hps, then I went to photos, and haven’t looked back, good luck on this grow brother, not that you need it. To bad about the inspections or you could run a perpetual grow with your clones!