Harvest & Curing testing moisture content


Cultivators Club
Oct 20, 2021
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Currently Smoking
Cheese Quake
i have a wood moisture meter. I did a whole plant hang 12 days ago aiming for 60/60 for temp and humidity.The main thick stems read 20 percent moisture. the side branches that are smaller are reading 10 to 12 percent moisture. Which reading do i go off of? I am new to this testing. help please. I dont want to bag em too early or too late.

Which reading do i go off of?

I test right in the big bud with the tips of the tester just piercing the stem. Clean the probes with isopropyl between each reading. the rosin from buds can skew readings when testing multiple plants or buds.

Use a hygrometer to test if you've bagged early or late
That exactly where I get mine to. I then chop them into smaller branches and into a paper bag for 24-48 hrs to even the moisture throught the buds. Flip the bags occasionally so the buds don't get flat on that side. Trim em up and into the bags. Not sayin it's the best way, but has worked well so far
im not using boveda 62 no more. robbed my terps on some good dank. just grove bags. you guys are testing the main cola and stem?
and when i am sweating in paper bags before bagging them do i throw a hygrometer in each bag? will it give me an accurate reading inside a paper bag or would a mason jar work better for checking where the rh is at?
i have a wood moisture meter. I did a whole plant hang 12 days ago aiming for 60/60 for temp and humidity.The main thick stems read 20 percent moisture. the side branches that are smaller are reading 10 to 12 percent moisture. Which reading do i go off of? I am new to this testing. help please. I dont want to bag em too early or too late.
Hey bro I don’t stab the stems as they dry so much slower then the buds! I stab the prongs directly into a nug to get a reading! 10-12% is gonna be 58-62% range if not mistaken! :d5:
should buds be popping off without a string at this point? main branches should bent still but buds under ths top colas should break off the stem at this point or would that be too dry? i cut a branch of each plant and placed each branch in a paper bag with top folded down and a hygrometer to check where humidity on the hygrometer is at