Dutch Passion think different auto



it begins they have been soaking for 12 hours time for them to go into cubes:thumbs:
looking forward to seeing it all work out !
the grow will take place in a 3 1/2feet wide 5long 8high I'll be using a 400 watt dimmable mh /hps nutrients I'll be using are advanced nutrients ph perfect line 3 part plus additives it will be done in deep water culture 1 of my favorites
geen mojo to you i have a td i just dropped a few days ago check it out
just a quick update things are going to well don't know why ph is good ppm are nice in low the temperature is 78 humidity is 40% I got 1 more sprouting but it's also acting a little strange
I just got the new 1 and its final home last night I started soaking it monday morning the other 1 was started on the 29th its not letting me upload pictures from my phone
I just got the new 1 and its final home last night I started soaking it monday morning the other 1 was started on the 29th its not letting me upload pictures from my phone

use the usb cable that came with your phone and plug it up to your pc and you can load them that way.

thats what i do with my motorola photon 4g
update time sorry it's been so long I've been real busy both think different are doing good seed1 is 40days seed2 is 30days seed 1 is about 2 1/2 feet tall the buds are about as big as my finger its feeding on 700ppm or 1.1 to 1.2ec and oh at 5.8 using advanced nutrients ph perfect full line up
so far I have to say I think this is a very good strain for beginners it's taking everything I can throw at it and its lovin it