So I finished out my last run of glueberry thanks to Man O Green And a few others on this site. Things worked out relatively well despite my best efforts to ruin them early on and I ended up with about 1.5 oz per plant. I had some issues early on with over agitating my nutrients and then had a surprise failure of my auto pot where all my valves failed to refill and everything was bone dry by the time I realized it and still pulled it off! Lol I decided to upgrade to the auto valve 5 with the 3/8 inch tubing and while I was at it I purchased 2 kind LED X40 sidelights and an X80 all for Bloom. I was disappointed that KIND did not make mounting hardware for a horizontal side light application and was forced to hit the local LOWES. I grabbed some 3/4" PVC, shelf tracks and brackets and this is where I am at now if anybody has any recommendations or suggestions please let me know. I am considering getting more PVC to make a superstructure to hang exhaust fans as I do not trust the framing on this gorilla tent with the K5 weighing in at 30 plus pounds hanging off it already. Thanks for looking