What's up with my 3 Bears OG? Is this TMV?

Aug 24, 2020
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Can anyone help? This 3 Bears OG has been all wonky since she sprouted. I've just been treating her as normal and she's growing ok, but still just sort of wonky. don't think it can be a deficiency because she's in the same super soil mix as the double grape and MBAPx3BOG freebie next to her and they are both fine. She's about 2 week from sprout in organic soil.

Could this be Tobacco Mosaic Virus?



for reference the more "normal" looking Double Grape in the same soil right next door is actually growing slower than the wonky 3BOG above.
for reference the more "normal" looking Double Grape in the same soil right next door is actually growing slower than the wonky 3BOG above.
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I think that is just a genetic trait like variegation. I have had some start like that and they just grew out of it.
Thanks Man O'Green. I think I agree with you. I just don't want to mess up the whole tent with a virus. And i've never seen TMV. But I know what you mean. One time l had a very odd variegated slow growing dinafem auto (I think it was blue critcal) that grew out of it. She was small but those 30g actually smelled and tasted great.

I think i'll just grow her out and see what happens (plus beans ain't cheap, mephisto is hard to get lately, and I only have 1 3BOG seed left)
The virus has need to be spread by you cutting one plant and then cutting another plant. It is more of a problem when growing perennials or Dahlias. All variegated tulips are containing a virus and they grow fine for years.