White/green baby Caterpillars?



so i havent had as much chance to check over my plants in the last week, so today i spent a good 5-10 mins checking over one of my plants, and pulled about 4 of these from the buds..

is it just a baby caterpillar?

will they destroy my buds?

how can i get rid of any that are left over..


additional info:
they are kept outside, at currently at this stage..
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looks like an inchworm... probably would eat it if you left em... check em over closely... maybe 1/2 cup alchol and 1 qt water... spray em...

:2cents: :smokebuds:
stanko..the caterpillars are the only thing I still worry about here..coz I haven't found an effective way to get rid of them..other than hand plucking.

They Kill your bud.

The ones you see are bad enough..
but there are some that get inside and the bud around them withers.

I even tried a fertiliser last season with systemic neem..but I still got the caterpillars.

Be Vigilant...if any leaves look as if they are out of place..or curled...look for the silver threads...or caterpillar poop on the leaves below..

Be careful when you pluck them off..coz the little buggers parachute out of the bottom on silks..and land on the soil...waiting to strike another day.

Good Luck Bro...

anti-larva karma sent...:thumbs:
i have some neem oil, but think it might be a bit to late in the game for that.

will the plants be ok at this stage of their life with a alcohol based spray.

i'll have to go and get some gin or vodka then, dont really drink spirits.
wouldnt neem this late... ughhh lavor... alcohol should be ok... though im not positive ill get em... ni the future use some Diatamacious earth on top of your soil... they wont cross it...

ni the future use some Diatamacious earth on top of your soil... they wont
cross it...

JM...you tired Bro....:D

they don't Walk in...their moms fly them in...

I found this chrysalis in the JEM yesterday...obviously one I missed.

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stanko..the caterpillars are the only thing I still worry about here..coz I haven't found an effective way to get rid of them..other than hand plucking.

They Kill your bud.

Noooooo... thats terrible news, these buds are really dense as well. i dont mind loosing a % to nature, as long as its a small %..

i just picked about 5 more off and also found a small cocoon. which i squashed in my fingers, it felt good, even if it was a little yucky.. .. dam these fuckers..

do they not have any natural predators? will lady bugs lunch on them?
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on a side note, i keep seeing these little guys eating my leaves..


what do you do about these guys wiz.. i have been flicking them off my plants when i see them..
Don't worry with those ones bro...just keep plucking them off..

grow a bell pepper plant alongside next season...or lots of Basil...

the moth will go to the softer plant first.

Early warning system.

Not sure about predators...you will have to google....
it looks like it's down to me, ladybugs and wasps.

think i might get a net and chuck some ladies in there.