white spots



my jack herer is almost two weeks into flowering and some white spots have popped up on some leaves. i was thinking it might be a deficiency of some sort with it goin into flowering. it was a cutting donated by a friend its in a 5L tub with ur usual mix and is well rooted. i've not added any food of my own, just been getting water at 6.8ph controlled with dutch pro blooming ph-

time to buy some food or is there a deficiency in the soil mix or do i need 'special magic stuff' for when she's flowering?
hard to tell... can you post a pic?

6.8 is a hair high... but certainly in the ok range.... might be calcium or magnesium deficiency... might also be "spider mites" or "thrips".... so its crucial to find out right now!
you certainly dont want an un-checked population of bad insects...

add 1tsp per gallon of epsom salts to your watering... if its magnesium thatll fix that..... and target your ph around 6.3 - 6.5... and if you can check your soil ph... that would help figure out your probnlem a little better.

couple ph charts for ya (just for ref) :

ph vs uptake.gifph vs uptake 2.jpg


hope this helps

i've failed in getting a decent picture :( these are the best two i could get. the speckling i'm concerned about doesn't really show up on camera, each speckle is very small, and they're quite densely scattered on the leaves they appear on, maybe just two or three leaves jus now. guess we'll see if it spreads or not


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just been to tuck her in for the night and the white spots are looking a bit more yellow than white on one leaf. camera still wont pick it up, those last pics were the limit of focus :(

the sand u can see is just a top layer, had a problem with fungus gnats that this has cleared up. my humidity is v rarely ever above 45% it was just a poor soil choice that has now been remedied, but the Jack in question came pre-prepared as such and hasn't had any of my inexperience until now lol

i did run my fingers along the top of the leaf where the spots seem to be and there was no change and nothing came off in my hand, does that mean i can rule out mould?
well if anyone out there is reading this ............. SPIDER MITES .............

get predator mites, they'll eat em all and bugger off to die
yup... sipderr mites was what i was gonna say... and predator mites will do em...
lady bugs also work:

http://gardeningzone.com is where I get my "bio bugs"

thrips also leave "spots" though they are more like streaks of silvery stuff on the leaves...

here's an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) solution as well:


theres also his... though I havent tried it:



many options... hope these help and anti-bug karma sent mate! :smokebuds:
have you ever used spider mites ? i got them wednesday past and deployed them immediately, the majority on the infested plant and a couple tap and turns over the other 8 plants. i got a thousand and if anything the spider mites are thriving. i was told i could use this strain of predator mite on 12/12 which i've had to put the room into due to an upcoming family visit.
it does say to give them time to work but i'm edgy cause i can see webbing now :(
When i have used the mites it took a good couple days for them to get going. I think they kill the larva and break the reproduction chain. Once the preds have good enough numbers they will finish the job.

Do you happen to remember what kind they gave you?

Karma sent mate.. Spider mites are a prick!