Indoor Who are the real experts.

I'll be trying to keep this short, if l can.
I've been growing for 2 years now and I'll tell you that I've screwed up everytime. First, I've really never had not one of the plants I've grown reach their full potential. For one, I've over loaded these plant with far too much neutrient at every stage of their growth. It is true that the photoperiods I've grown have been pretty good. I know now that photoperiods can take the higher strength nutrients. But, these were also burnt but not too bad.
I started growing autos for more then one reason. The quick turn around, they need less room, and the quality is still there.
I've been burning up my plants and didn't really know that I was. The buds were big and firm, had nice trichomes but had very little aroma. And my smoke after cure was harsh. It's not that I didn't read and try to apply what I learned, I did. Only recently have I become very interested in getting it right. I found and some other growers that helped me be a better grower. By the way, for my own health needs. I will not take opioids. Ive lost two family members through opioid addiction after surgeries for pain management.
I have been using GH products for the entire time I've been growing. Until this last grow I used a schedule I found on line for the trio. Of course it was not very reliable. I would guess that GH would love for everyone to use the schedule on the bottles. If you do, you shouldnt use it on cannabis. You shouldnt use half.
What do I know about growing cannabis? Well, I'm pretty happy with the knowledge I'm finding on this forum. The one thing i have found is that some growers are pretty imaginative when it come to solving major problems like high temperatures or low humidity.
Thanks again for you guys, gals putting me on the right track. Might post some pics so you can see this grow. Not much on blowing my own horn. Id rather just enjoy the rewards in growing my own very effective medications
@Camhar :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:I have been growing for over 7 years in this latest stretch with some experiences many years ago. I grow hydro because my bad back will not let me lift a pot. Pumps do all of the heavy lifting for me. Out of necessity I grow all 6 plants (legal limit here) on the same reservoir. Like you I have had many plants that just were not all they could be. I have high standards. There is always at least one plant that will just not be happy with the nutrient schedule; it drives me crazy. I have obtained ION meters to see if I can figure out what is taking place and have done much testing with GreenLeaf Mega Crop 2 part nutrients. I have discovered that the PPMs to run autos at get out of balance at the lower numbers needed for them. I am developing a spreadsheet to solve this issue and I am getting better results but not perfect yet. If you are not using PPMs to determine nutrient strength this is a good place to start. Do not overlook the quality of your starting water as an important input factor.

As far as terpene profile and strength an adjustment to my light spectrum and timing has made a huge improvement. I am running ChilLeds GrowCraft 500s - 2 of them - they are heavy far red. So I have added Royal blue pucks in veg. Far Red initiator pucks for 15 minutes at lights out when flowering just starts for one week, then I have two T548 AgroMax UVA lamps that run until the harvest with one AgroMax Pure UV that is 75% UVB. The UVB is so strong I just run it a couple of hours mid day for the last two or three weeks. My terpene profiles are excelent and the THC is very good now.

To finish all of this off I cure in Grove bags. My friends constantly tell me it is the best weed they can get.
I'll be trying to keep this short, if l can.
I've been growing for 2 years now and I'll tell you that I've screwed up everytime. First, I've really never had not one of the plants I've grown reach their full potential. For one, I've over loaded these plant with far too much neutrient at every stage of their growth. It is true that the photoperiods I've grown have been pretty good. I know now that photoperiods can take the higher strength nutrients. But, these were also burnt but not too bad.
I started growing autos for more then one reason. The quick turn around, they need less room, and the quality is still there.
I've been burning up my plants and didn't really know that I was. The buds were big and firm, had nice trichomes but had very little aroma. And my smoke after cure was harsh. It's not that I didn't read and try to apply what I learned, I did. Only recently have I become very interested in getting it right. I found and some other growers that helped me be a better grower. By the way, for my own health needs. I will not take opioids. Ive lost two family members through opioid addiction after surgeries for pain management.
I have been using GH products for the entire time I've been growing. Until this last grow I used a schedule I found on line for the trio. Of course it was not very reliable. I would guess that GH would love for everyone to use the schedule on the bottles. If you do, you shouldnt use it on cannabis. You shouldnt use half.
What do I know about growing cannabis? Well, I'm pretty happy with the knowledge I'm finding on this forum. The one thing i have found is that some growers are pretty imaginative when it come to solving major problems like high temperatures or low humidity.
Thanks again for you guys, gals putting me on the right track. Might post some pics so you can see this grow. Not much on blowing my own horn. Id rather just enjoy the rewards in growing my own very effective medications
Welcome to the AFN borg, you will be assimilated..........seriously , if you got anything you could smoke out of it you did did ok...the AFN borg are the information overload overlords and will provide as much as they can for continued health of you and your plant based companions. We will do all we can to help and are overjoyed at new converts finding this little oasis of comunal non agressive forum interaction.............ok, enough with the sci fi, tincture gummies are kicking in HARD typing....these peeps are freaking awesome, helped me achieve more than I thought I could and have me striving to find the perfection I want while knowing I will never achieve it..... and it's ok cause it's the journey and those you meet along the way that matters.
I’d think the harshness you described is from a lack of chlorophyll degradation, which is most likely caused by your aforementioned heavy feedings/ too much nitrogen towards the end..
Don’t beat yourself up about it. Most legal producers are guilty of this also.
Stick to a certain med that you like for a couple runs and figure out it’s quirks and you’ll be right primed

And good call with the opiates, that shit ruins lives
First look, my grow
Thanks for all the welcome messages and advice. These guys, not comfortable calling them girls even though they are fem, have finished their stretch and I'm way happy about what I'm seeing. They are at the end of 6th week with 5-6 more to go. Not sure though because I've never grown these. They are Blueberry from ilgm. They are being raised in a grow tent which I have ducted to my ac and for the first time I am able to control the temp and humidity in the tent, which has been a success I believe. My sweet wife said the it might be a good thing to place them for a short time in her greenhouse. For me, I dont want them in there too long because of the possiblity of insects.
For the first time, I'm pretty happy with a forum that I feel comfortable navigating.


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I’ve done four grows so far, just finishing my first coco grow and it’s changed my way of growing.

Even this grow I burnt some autos but no where near as bad as I ever did. Since this time I have learned a lot. Anything I did, I paid special attention and made adjustments where needed.

This time around I learned to just feed low strength and make sure your environment is in check! Your environment is extremely important through all phases of growing cannabis, and drying cannabis. So make sure you get control of your environment. If your environment temp and humidity is out of control then your plants will burn pretty quickly if you have been over feeding them.

Moral of the story is:
Feed light, keep your environment in good stable conditions, and watch them grow like crazy.
Thank you Mr. AUTOFLOWER.
I believe you voiced exactly how I feel. This grow I have paid less attention to neutrient balance because I've cut my normal scedule by 75%. But I have paid special attention to lighting, temp, humidity and ph.
I vented my tent with 4 in duct airconditioned air. I am able to maintain a consistant temp of 77° with lights on, leds. And 74 at night 18/6 timer. I can run without a humidifier 48%, great for drying but by adding the humidifier the helped me to run the humidity best for each stage of growth. The results have been amazing. I realize now that not all feeding schedules are designed for autoflowers.
Another thing, these neutrient companies are adding more and more items to their neutrient schedules. One company, now has 12, really!!
Just in comparison i usually grow 4 autos in my tent but its a really tight situation in there now these plants have so many colas i cant believe it. End of week 7 pics of developing trichomes


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Lovely milky trichomes. That bud looks ready to chop. But, I like to use a microscope to check my buds in real detail. Inside them, not just sugar leaves. Sadly, I lost my android phone that I used for checking trichomes. Does not work with my iPhone.

What I like to do is put my light as far as I can raise it, full power, and let the plants grow into them. They will stretch a bit more, but, a small plant can yield as much as some of the bigger ones.

Practise lots of LST if you haven’t already. When you get LSTin done right, good genetics, you will eventually be left with a lot of tops.

My highest yield yet is 6oz from one plant in a 2x4. I just harvested her, and a stardawg that is 5oz that I also managed to cram into my closet. I will end up with around 16oz by the time my other girl finishes in there.

If you don’t use coco, I suggest you do. It requires much more feeding, but you can correct errors quicker. Because coco dries out much faster than soil.

With more feedings, you can achieve bigger plants. Make sure to cut out most nitrogen in flowering and provide P K. I’ve did this on my current girl and her buds are much fatter and fender than two other girls I did of the same strain/genetics.

If you feed too much nitrogen in flower they end up loose and Larfy. At least that’s what I’ve picked up this time around.

I grow in 15L pots. But my next run will be 11L or so to see if they finish quicker, and see what I can achieve from them.

This forum is superb, I research here a lot and YouTube. Doing this enables you to do trial and error.

My girls have been drying using different methods this time around to see which is best suited to me. Paper bags, drying box, etc.

You can check my girls here:

OR the fastbuds show and grow
@Camhar :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:I have been growing for over 7 years in this latest stretch with some experiences many years ago. I grow hydro because my bad back will not let me lift a pot. Pumps do all of the heavy lifting for me. Out of necessity I grow all 6 plants (legal limit here) on the same..

To finish all of this off I cure in Grove bags. My friends constantly tell me it is the best weed they can get.

Why do I feel like we might be neighbors? 6 plant limit. HOT AF valley…California..,