Worm Humus issue... maybe

Nov 27, 2022
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Yo, I added a little to much Worm Castings to my soil... sould I just treat the medium normal, like there are no castings, and feed like usual?
Yo, I added a little to much Worm Castings to my soil... sould I just treat the medium normal, like there are no castings, and feed like usual?
I wouldnt. Castings get broken down by myco and turned into nutrients. You might not need nitrogen for a long while, castings also have a large supply of available nutes as well. So I would just water for now.

Also depends on if you're feeding organic or not. Organic nutes need myco to break them down and make them available so, if you do start feeding, it might take a couple weeks to see any toxicity symptoms.

Castings have a large supply of N-P-K. They also have a pretty decent supply of immobile and mobile secondary nutes. Mainly used to ammend peat and soil mixes for a baseline nutrient mix, also helps with water retention and helps supress mold and mildew in soil. You may need to feed depending on how much extra you put in, but thats something you might need to keep a close eye on.

If you notice problems, post a thread in the infirmary with your exact soil mix, strain, and environmental conditions with pics. We will be able to help you better with more info. There is a thread on the main infirmary page with the required info as well.
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