WTF! 2 tap roots!?!



Afternoon peoples. Jus cracked some seeds and one of them,Big Buddah SAS (Super Auto Sativa) has popped out 2 tap roots. What do I do with it. Will it grow. I potted it as normal with the other strains Im growing. Some advice ,insight, experience from other growers would help as never come across this before. Cheers, Redz...
Hey Redman, Usually when there is 2 tap roots it means.......Twins!!

I had triplets from a set of beans I got from a friend in Georgia, I planted a seed with 2 tap roots and separated the two plants but later a 3rd one had to be separated... Look it up and the rest of the net will tell you twins too... Sometimes there conjoined and very rarely its just one plant with 2 taps...

Hope you get twins man....
anyone know if they are genetically exactly alike twins? just curious... gives me ideas for breeding...
Extra roots... = Extra top action?

Keep us posted mate..

Pics would be kick ass.
2 tap roots!

I've just termed some autos for first time and the Big Buddha Super Auto Sativa (SAS) had 2,two, tap roots coming out of it. I potted it up as usual and after 2days it is jus popping thru the soil surface.Wish I kept it on the plate alittle longer to see what was going on. Will this grow normally, or is it gonna be a mutant. Anyone else experience anything like that? Shame if its a gonna as was really lookin forward to tryin this strain. Also got a GHS Auto Big Bang seed that has cracked and a afew mm has popped out then stopped.Hasn't grown for2 days now.Any ideas guys. Abit stumped and disappointed as first auto grow and probs already. Almost 100% strike rate with regular photo weed seeds. So now asking myself weather its worth throwing more money at auto seeds. Shame as was really excited to be growing again and growing autos was best solution to a change in circumstances which stopped me growing in first place. And auto seeds aren't cheap. Also less disposable income due to the afore mentioned change in circumstances. So any help to try and save my seeds would be greatly received, cheers guys, red...
Have never seen two tap roots but I wouldn't worry. that's just more opportunity for it to eat. As for the germing problem. IMO you let the seeds moisture level drop and it lost its energy. Take a craft knife and very gently cut along the parting line. You can use a pointed object to pry the two parts apart. Again do this gently. This can happen with any strain or seed. There are some other germination tips in another of my posts. Hope this helps.
2 tap roots has turned into 2 seedlings! How mad Is that. One looks normal,the other looks very sml and delicate. I u could breed a seed to sprout 2 seedlings bow that would be cool. Will post pics later wen I start my diary. Catch u later, red. Oh nice one for posting a reply,hitman,at least someone out there chatting.:buds: