Mephisto Freebie Grow

Week 1

Seeds were started in a small cup of water on Dec 12th and allowed to soak overnight, the next day they were transferred to damp paper towel enclosed in an old DVD case and placed in my Tv stand beside my cable box which stays approximately 75*.
Seeds were checked after 24 hours and one seed had started to show its tail, closed it back up for another 24 hours when both seeds had cracked and were showing the Taproot.
One seeds had completely shed its shell the other was approximately 1” long they were then planted in a 70/30 Coco and perlite mix just deep enough to be at the surface of the media and placed under an led lamp 2” from the top of the solo cup and left alone for 1 week with no additional fertigation .
Day one will be tagged as Dec 14th 2023