To infinity, and beyond.

Weekly Update 15 Nov, 2021

Day 75 For Raspberry Punch Auto and 4-Assed Monkey.
Raspberry Punch Auto will be getting harvested either Thursday or Sunday. I have hopes of an ounce but not holding my breath. The production on this plant was completely my fault.
4-AM still looks really light green. Next one, I am going to increase the Grow from 4tsp to 5tsp per week and add one more application of it throughout flower.
Day 35 for the younger Raspberry Punch Auto’s and they are very healthy so far. I have not topped or trained them.
Day 11 (transplanted into 15gal on Day 7) for the Strawberry Mango Crumble. She’s looking a little weak from the transplant that I totally jacked up. Half the soil broke off, taking part of the tap root with it. I want to see if she will persevere.

