Blast from the Past.

My house is unbelievably packed with our hobby stuff. It is a real challenge to fit the mycology stuff........

Here is my SAB (still air box).

Jeez watching mycelium grow is like watching paint dry :rofl:.


The first bucket of Blue Oyster is out in the garden. The weather turned cold earlier than normal so I might have to wait for spring for it to fruit. The bucket of Golden Oyster will be inoculated soon. It likes even warmer temperatures so almost for sure next spring for fruit. It dose not freeze really hard here and these strains live through the cold without issue in the wild.

The Golden Oyster was ready for the growing bucket.


The Blue Oyster is pinning.

So I thought I started the Blue Oysters too late in the season and thought I would need to wait for spring for fruiting. Just goes to show I don't know shyte about shrooms :crying:


This is fun!
Ok time to inoculate the automated monotub:

The Birdseed Tek Spawn is ready:

I pasturized the substrate to 160°F last night and drained to field capacity.


I sanitized everything with ISO and layered them in to the Monotub.


Covered and ready to place where it will colonize.


I moved it into the grow room/ bedroom where it is dark.

Now to wait for it to colonize.

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