
  1. 4

    Yellowing leaves at Day 42... HELP! (Dinafem Auto Blue Cheese/Critical+)

    Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me a little help... I am growing Auto's for the first time and everything has been going really well, untill i get back from a few days away to find all the leaves are yellowing, now i know this is normal towards end of life cycle, but this seems a little...
  2. JoeP157

    will nute burn kill my flowering plant?

    been no nute for few days seams ok but not sure.
  3. JoeP157

    Indoor Day 238 Ganja Dwarf and Light of Jah auto feminized! sexed but not flowering

    help!! think my plants are stalling giving them light nutes and calcium! 1/2 to 34 cup of water a day and water with half strength nutes misted twice a day calcium evey 2 days. Started and continue to grow mainly indoors but do put plants in direct sun every day since week 3. see pic s...
  4. JoeP157

    New Grower Day 23 Ganja Dwarf and Light of Jah auto feminized.

    Day 23 Ganja Dwarf and Light of Jah auto feminized. I did water right after 36 hr no water. Soil was dry after a 5hr direct sun bath. How do they look??? welcome any advice !!
  5. Cultivated Cultivars

    Auto's Only: P1 (Male*) x P2 (Female) F1-F4

    :pass:Why is a P1*(male) of a particular strain used, instead of a male from P2*(Female) strain's? Vice versa? Example: P1*(Auto Bubba Cheese) x P2* (Auto Purple) =:smokeit: P1*(Auto Purple) x P2* (Auto Bubba Cheese) =:smokeit:
  6. Cultivated Cultivars

    Feminized to Feminized Breeding

    Just wondering if anyone has have problems occurred ? Please only comment if you have personal experience! Is Breeding fem to fem limiting the possibilitys of phenotypes? If that makes any sense lol. Example (Auto OG*fem x Auto Hashplant*fem) would there be any difference besides sex if (Auto...
  7. Henchman

    EMERGENCY PLEASE HELP - Think she's dead and huge

    sorry to start new thread. This is a pure emergency - No feed for 2 days as I was away - look at the calmag now ? Is it flush time ? She's on day 63 PLEASE HELP Henchy
  8. L


    How's it's going everyone this is my first auto grow well first grow period. It's week 2 and the plants are growing just encountered a few roadblocks: •Spotted white specks on my leaves not sure if it's thrips or powdery mildew. (Treated it as powdery mildew seems to be clearing up) •Torn a...
  9. richykn

    New Grower Have i missed anything ??

    I'm going to start my grow at the end of the month and after asking a couple questions on here and taking a look at other posts I have finally devised a grow schedule , I'm trying to keep it as simple as I can as this is my first go at growing . Firstly my grow space is a walk in closet that...
  10. richykn

    New Grower germination method help

    IV seen videos online for starting off auto seeds by dropping the seed in a glass off water for 24 hrs then putting straight into the soil when the root starts to sprout , is this method trusted as I was going to use this method ?
  11. cc2arms


    Not sure if I am posting this in the right spot, if not I do apologize. I started this grow- Around February 14 everything was moving along great then I decided to purchase leds, ok please help...
  12. tripaholic88

    New Grower help with first tent grow???

    Ok so i Have done a cfl grow about 4 years back from 3 of 5 bagseeds that made it to about 4 weeks into flower that was a smooth/easy grow with no problems when i had to trash the project. and to be honest i was half assing the grow and didnt have the funds to do a proper grow.. well fast...
  13. JimmyB

    Outdoor superauto strain recommendations... and welcome

    Hi All:welcome: This is my first post, i have just signed up after allways browsing these pages and i wanted to get amongst the action of all you fantastic growers. so i hope you all have the time to help me out a little. So here goes, I would say im a noobie to autos outdoors. grown plenty...
  14. Johnnybudseed

    New Grower Please help me.. I beg you! Strain Help

    Hello i am very very new to this as this is my first post ever. I am in need of some good strain advice as i have been trying to grow my dream crop and have been running into alot of issues. I am a legal patient where i live and can grow 6 mature plants legally [which i am trying to do] My first...
  15. Frankidelics

    New Grower Planning 1st grow! Suggestions needed! Thank You!

    Hi everyone! I new to AFN and glad to be part of what seems to be my soon-to-be favourite website haha! I am planning on buying the G-Tools Bonanza 250 plug-and-play cabinet, which seems to suit my needs in terms of size and features. I've tried to find info about people having bought and used...