A Quick Reference Guide to Native American and Other Ceremonial Herbs & Resins


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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Quick Reference Guide to Native American and Other Ceremonial Herbs & Resins

Desert Sage Artemisia Tridentata

Dessert Sage Artemisia TridentataUses: Purification

Fan smoke from burning dry herb over person, place, or object.
Place dry herb on hot rocks of sweat lodge
Place dry or fresh herb in bucket of water for the sweat lodge
Drink dry or fresh herb as an herbal tea
Use fresh as a poultice on wound
Place dry or fresh leaves in hot water and soak.
Can be burned during any bodywork session.

White Sage Salvia Apiana

White Sage Salvia ApianaUses: Purification

Fan smoke from burning dry herb over person, place, or object.
Place dry herb on hot rocks of sweat lodge
Place dry or fresh herb in bucket of water for the sweat lodge
Drink dry or fresh herb as an herbal tea
Use fresh as a poultice on wound
Place dry or fresh leaves in hot water and soak.
Can be burned during any bodywork session.

Lakota Sage Artemisia Vulgaris

Uses: Purification

Fan smoke from burning dry herb over person, place, or object.
Place dry herb on hot rocks of sweat lodge
Place dry or fresh herb in bucket of water for the sweat lodge
Drink dry or fresh herb as an herbal tea
Use fresh as a poultice on wound
Place dry or fresh leaves in hot water and soak.
Can be burned during any bodywork session.

Sweetgrass Heirochloe Odorata

Sweetgrass Heirochloe OdorataUses: Blessing

Fan smoke from burning dry herb over person, place, or object
Place dry herb on hot rocks of sweat lodge
Place dry or fresh grass in tub of hot water and soak.
Can be burned during any bodywork session.

Cedar or Juniper Cedrus Atlantica or Juniperus Communis

Uses: Blessing & Strength

Fan smoke of burning dry needles over person, place, or object
Place dry needles on hot rocks of sweat lodge
Place dry needles in home or on altar
Place dry or fresh needles in bath tub and soak
Can be burned during any body work session.

Bear Root or Osha Ligisticum porteri

Uses: Protection, Spiritual and Physical

Burn dry roots on hot rocks in sweat lodge
Chew dry root to soothe sore throat.
Singers chew dry root to keep throat from getting sore during ceremony.
Boil dry root to make a tea for bronchial infection, colds, indigestion.

Willow Bark Salix

Uses: As a natural herbal smoke in the pipe

The dry inner bark can be used in a mixture of herbs for the sacred pipe or smoked alone.

Tobacco Nicotiana Tabacum

Uses: Prayer, Offering, Honoring

Offer dry tobacco to Mother Earth before removing anything or before harvesting.
Offer dry tobacco to the 6 directions
Offer dry tobacco to the ceremonial leader before the ceremony as a sign of respect.
The smoke of the tobacco is blown over people or objects to bless
The smoke of the tobacco is blown to the directions during the pipe ceremony, which carries the prayers to the Creator.
The smoke of the tobacco is used to purify our words so that only the truth comes forth during prayer or council meetings.

Corn Zea Mays blue, white, red, or yellow

Uses: Blessings, Offerings

The dry corn kernels and the pure corn pollen is offered to Mother Earth during prayers.
A touch of corn pollen to the tongue is eaten as a blessing.
Used by the Navajos & Apaches during religious ceremonies by applying it to the body.

Star Anise Illicium Verum

Uses: Blessing

The dry seed pods are added to smoke mixtures for its spicy taste.
The dry seed pods are burnt on the hot rocks of the sweat lodge.

Pinon Resin Pinus Edulis

Uses: Purification

The dry sap is burnt on charcoals and the smoke is allowed to waft through the area.
Dried sap or resin is placed on the hot rocks of the sweat lodge.
Can be burned during any body work session.

Copal Resin Bursera Microphylla black, golden, or white Mexico

Copal Resin Bursera MicrophyllaUses: Purification; to sustain the departed ones on their journey in the spirit realm; trance- work

The dry sap is burnt on charcoals and the smoke is allowed to waft through the area.
Can be burned during any body work session.

Frankincense Resin Boswellia Carteri North Africa

Uses: Purification; meditation; uplifts the mind, body, spirit

The dry sap is burnt on charcoals and the smoke is allowed to waft through the area.
The resin can be burnt on the hot rocks of the sweat lodge.
Can be burned during any body work session.

Myrrh Resin Commiphora Myrrh North Africa

Uses: Purification; strengthen the soul; anointing the dead

The dry sap is burnt on charcoals and the smoke is allowed to waft through the area.
The resin can be burnt on the hot rocks of the sweat lodge.
Can be burned during any bodywork session.

Dragon's Blood Resin Croton Lechleri South American rain forest

Dragon's Blood Resin Croton LechleriUses: Purification

The dry sap is burnt on charcoals and the smoke is allowed to waft through the area.
The resin can be burnt on the hot rocks of the sweat lodge

Palo Santo Bursera Graveolens Peru

Palo Santo Bursera GraveolensUses: Purification

The wood sticks are burned and the smoke is used to clear the area of negative energies in ceremonies.
Can be burned inside the sweat lodge
Can be burned during any bodywork session.