Gnome Automatics Anvil F8 Regs and First Generation Fems

Two anvil S1 autofem babies on day 5 - moving quick - I’ve been using some additives and microbes but only less than 200ppm ph’d to 6.0-6.5 in my soil mix - the small container is actually just seedling stater I’ll use megacrop for veg and cutting edge solutions for bloom on that one - super stoked ! They seem vigorous , and I had 2/2 germination both sprouted within 36 hours after 24 hour peroxide soak and urb naturals 30 min bath ….. they are getting the full VIP treatment lol but they love it I’m happy
Day 16 on my anvil s1 AutoFem girls - I overwatered them lol but making a recovery now. I have left them alone for 7 days straight and they are enjoying the solitude haha. I will give them a light dose of feed and water pretty soon but not just yet - oh and now I see 20/4 post above mine here - gonna start LST on the big girl in the front tonight or tomorrow morning then

Hello guys next update for my anvil S1 babes

Day 26 saw first white pistil hairs yesterday



Did more LST and just a little defoliation - I am gonna increase the ppm a little now, and probably switch to bloom feed when I see pistils all the way up and down the plant at every node

I decided to keep the runt because of its shape it will easily fit between plants pretty much anywhere I want and these seeds were given as a gift so she stays
Looking awesome platty....... I really wish I did some lst with my anvil...... She's out of control...... Your runt is looking much better :frog:
Are you journaling this grow, @CrookDog? Didn't see one via your profile. I'd love to see what your unruly Anvil looks like.