Auto finally shows sex

Jul 17, 2021
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After almost eight weeks my GG finally has what this first time grower thinks are pistils although only on the main stem so far. Ten days ago I switched from 18/6 to 12/12 based on a couple of recommendations. Now do I maintain 12/12 or can I go back to 18/6? It’s supposed to be an autoflower. How do I know if it’s a late flowering plant or has reverted to a photo?

Should I start to add flower nutes or wait a bit?

This is not an auto. It will be a photoperiod. Sometimes they get mixed with auto seeds by accident. Or, bad genetics.

Autos show sex usually around week three or four.

If you’ve been running 12/12 to try and get it to flower, then it’s a photoperiod.

I’d keep it on 12/12. If you change the schedule, it will most likely go back into veg or do something strange
Sometimes the auto genes go recessive in what should have been an auto but is really a Photoperiod plant. Remain on 12/12.

Feed with veg nutrients until the transition week. Transition week is 50/50 veg/bloom nutes with a touch of P-K booster. The plant will look like this. Remember you do not "Push" a plant with nutrients. You simply want the nutrients that plant needs in the root zone when the plant needs them.

Transition week.JPG

Then move to bloom nutrients when the plant looks like this:

Start Flower Nutrients.jpg
Sometimes the auto genes go recessive in what should have been an auto but is really a Photoperiod plant. Remain on 12/12.

Feed with veg nutrients until the transition week. Transition week is 50/50 veg/bloom nutes with a touch of P-K booster. The plant will look like this. Remember you do not "Push" a plant with nutrients. You simply want the nutrients that plant needs in the root zone when the plant needs them.

View attachment 1362383

Then move to bloom nutrients when the plant looks like this:

View attachment 1362382
Thanks Mañ’O’Green