Sweet Seeds Black Jack- Jack 47 F1 Fast Version 2014 [Test Grow]

Sweet Seeds Jay

AFN Authorized Vendor
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score

Hey buddies!

Here we are again starting a diary about the new strains that have have recently hit the market. They are the F1FV, Fast Version of Sweet Seeds.

Last year I did a diary with 3 of them which were spectacular. Good production and excellent in terms of speed and quality.
Here is the link to see that diary:

For this grow I’ve put Black Jack F1FV and Jack 47 F1FV.
They are going to be the stars on this diary I’m starting today.
With classical growing methods for indoors, you’ll see that using few ferts the results are really good. I haven’t corrected the PH of the water except during the germination period, that was made at PH 6.0.

Here is a list of what I’ve used in the grow:


-Atami Kilomix soil for the whole process.

- Jiffys + CannaStart: for the first days in jiffys.

- BioBoost: in each flowering-period irrigation.

-Magical: in a couple of waterings.

-BioFlores: in 3 ocations.

-Cannazym: weekly.


-600w bulb light for 16 plants on 7lt. pots.

-Extraction system and fan 24hs ON.

-Heating when the light is OFF.

Total growing time: 20 days.

Average time since the germination: 72 days.

As you can see, it’s almost like an auto strain.

Step 1. Germination. Early days.

The thing that has always worked the better for me is to place the seed in a glass of water with 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide. I put the glass on top of the stereo amplifier so they are warm and cover them with the packaging, so I have them with their names and it suits as a greenhouse. In 36 hours max they all will germinate. I have corrected the water to PH 6.0.



Once they sprouted I put them into Jiffys and i've irrigated them with water+Cannastart. It’s time to give them white light, in this case, energy saving 150w bulb.




That’s all for now, I hope you enjoy the diary, thank you for your visit and I’ll be happy to answer any question you have!

Sweet vape!

jay i looking forward to your Sweet black Jack diaryHop digity.:pass:Peace Kudo.jpg
I would already have these strains/versions if Herbies Sold them = ) Someone really needs to get with herbies and tell them to get all of the new flavor's sweet's has!
First days.1st transplant.

The seeds there was a 100% germination rate, showing their cotyledons quickly. I’ve maintained the jiffy wet with water and 2ml/L of Cannastart, ideal for feeding cuttings or seeds in jiffy’s or inert substrates. If you look closely, the stems aren't red as other occasions but green and healthy. As you see, the stems are a bit grow tall because the fan was broken, but this wasn’t a problem because 4 days after they were transplanted to 7cm pots, where they were buried right up to the cotyledons.

I watered with 2ml of Rhizotonic for the transplanting and i have them under a 150w energy saving bulb.

That’s it for now, hope to see you around this for the next post, it will be soon!







Thank you for the company and kind words, i am glad to have you all around here:)

Sweet vapes!

End of the vegetative period, 20th day.

Light: 600W
Pots: 7L
Fertilizer: No


It's been 3 weeks and it is time to move the plants to a bigger and final pot. I will use 7L pots for 16 plants, but I must say that Jack 47 were added to the grow 15 days after the Black Jack, so they will bloom later.
Not much to say for now, just expect they will adapt well to the new pot and light conditions.




Thanks for passing by!
nice pics m8 = ) cant wait to see how they turn out! my sweet trainwreck finnaly came in from albongo's so just waiting on the rest of them = ) good luck on these!
jay :Sharing One:looking dam good brv,and nice to hear Armory you got your sweet beans :pass:,look forward to seeing your new up date,im have to up date mine soon brv :pass:Peace Kudo.jpg,
Hi Jaypp!!

Great start, all very clean and interesting as usual, thanks for sharing :D

Sweet smokes!

I'm bookmarked

Jay can you tell me how in gods name do you take such amazing photos??? What camera are you using, what lens, etc etc etc

EDIT: I can't stop looking at these photos! :D
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