bloom nute defficiency or lockout?

  • Thread starter Frequentflyer20
  • Start date


RRF at around 38-39 days. ive started seeing the spots on the lower fan leaves around a week ago, since then i have stopped with nutes and only fed distilled bubbled water. what do you guys think the problem is? my feedings prior have been very light, im talking 1 teaspoon tiger bloom with 2 teaspoons big bloom and half tbls of molasses to one gallon of water which was then split into 3 seperate feedings due to small pot size.




Hard to say this early and the limited pics but kind of looks like a calcium or magnesium deficiency, what soil did you start off with? does your regular nutes have high amounts of Cal/mag already in it? After the amount of time you listed; I have had problems with some genetics using up all the available Cal and mag in the soil and the trace amounts it the bloom nutes are not enough most times...
Again just a guess not knowing heat, lights, nute dosing for pot size etc.

Are there any visible pests?
The plant is in fox farms ocean forest with fox farms big bloom and tiger bloom. It's in approx. 1 gallon of soil, maybe less. And I'm pretty sure my nutes have only trace amount of cal mag. What can I do to fix the deficiency? And no visible pests.
You could give it a couple double strength shots of Cal/Mag by Botanicare or something similar and although the cal mag won't severely affect much when over used, either way be sure that's what you are dealing with before ODing the plant on Cal/mag. I use a 10 ml shot per gallon of cal mag (Botanicatre) every feeding after the soil has started to be depleted of nutes. In an emergency I double this and see results in a 12 days or less (in soil)...

---------- Post added 08-03-2011 at 09:21 PM ----------

I have used Fox Farms Ocean Forrest Much of the time so I know their problems quite well for autos and photos in the first two months...
greetings frequentflyer :toke:

I was taking a look at the leaf and i want to ask you something, have you looked at the under side of the leaf?
Take a look under there and see if you see any "specs." IF you do try to get a good look at them either with a scope
or zoom on a camera, there is a chance that you may have a bug issue there and not a MG def.
I know you said that there didnt look like bugs but there are some that you almost cant see with the eye
that will eat tissue like this.

If it were MG the margins of the leaf would all be yellow and fading in towards the center of the leaf.
the things that i am seeing here look more like a stress to the tissue rather than a defficiency
:dance2: A 30-40x lighted scope (or even a jewelers loupe) costs around 15-20 bucks American, and can help from the beginning of the plants life cycle, to identifying pests and towards the end, lookimg at the trichomes for color/clarity! Tons of other uses I forgot I'm sure so grab one and it'll make questions like this easier to answer... Not to mention everything looks cool under a scope...
thanks guys, ill look at the leaves tomorrow when its bright outside. i do remember seeing a whole in one the leaves awhile back.
Also I'd suggest finding out what your soil pH is before giving any heavy doses of cal/mag. If it is lockout, giving more nutes won't really help.
Wouldn't A flush help with Lockout tho?

and duplex i just looked under the leaves and saw nothing, however the damage is on atleast 7 leaves, all low to the soil, and consistently located on the edges of the leaves, some leaf tips as well.

i have no way of checking the PH accuratly either unfortunatly..i cant afford a digital meter but i do have plenty of lime in my mix
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A flush certainly won't hurt but it won't have much effect on the soil pH. Most digital pH meters are for liquid and won't accurately read soil. Best soil pH meter I've seen is the Control Wizard Accurate 8, costs about $50. I don't know what the base pH of FFOF is but I would assume around 6.5 - 7. If you added a lot of lime to that you may have raised your pH too much and caused a lockout. This chart should give you a better idea.

ph vs uptake.gif