Dutch Passion Bob's Dutch Passion Grow - Auto Mokum's Tulip

Day 68:

:goodluck:Some of you must have your fingers crossed cause again I couldn't find any mold :toke:
Today was a nice day, semi cloudy which made the temp/humidity swing like a rollercoaster which is fine by me ánd the plants like it a lot :thumbsup:
Had to go out today so only got to water twice, but this was enough even for the tomatoes :stir:

The battery from my phone was low so I couldn't use the flash, but you get the jest of it :hump:

I love it when the sugar leaves have such a dense trichome coverage. There's so much more real estate on those leafs then there is on the flowers them self. Perfect for extraction :thumbsup:


Look at the extreme amount of trichomes on this leaf :yoinks:


I removed the fly after taking the picture. Wouldn't want that in a joint :hothot:


Day 72:

Hey guys,

We're nearing the finishline here. At least with the pieces that survived the mold until now. *holds wood* :thumbsup:

You'll notice that the leaves don't look as perty as before.

Most of the pistils have resided except the top part of the buds...good sign :cheers:
She sure has a fuel smell to her for the moment, whereas a couple of days ago she still had a fresh flower smell to her. Could it be because of the hotter days that the 'flower terpenes' went away? Or is it just that those terpenes changed to the fuel smelling ones? I don't know, I'm kinda blasted on painkillers for the moment :dizzy:

And the shiny white trichomes look more milky white as days go on. Tomorrow I'll check with the microscope and make a descision.


Day 72:

Hey guys,

We're nearing the finishline here. At least with the pieces that survived the mold until now. *holds wood* :thumbsup:
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You'll notice that the leaves don't look as perty as before.
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Most of the pistils have resided except the top part of the buds...good sign :cheers:
She sure has a fuel smell to her for the moment, whereas a couple of days ago she still had a fresh flower smell to her. Could it be because of the hotter days that the 'flower terpenes' went away? Or is it just that those terpenes changed to the fuel smelling ones? I don't know, I'm kinda blasted on painkillers for the moment :dizzy:
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And the shiny white trichomes look more milky white as days go on. Tomorrow I'll check with the microscope and make a descision.
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That's a tough road, I'm on it with a couple of my plants too, watching the mold spread. I started growing outdoors with photos, we have pretty dry summers but often very rainy falls, and I battled most seasons with saving what I could towards the end of flowering. It become part of the norm to harvest plants before they had reached their prime -- but before they were completely ruined by mold -- to save something less than perfect rather than lose it all. That's why I started growing autos, the short season allows me to miss most of the rain... and yet I'm still having some mold issues.

As the years have gone by, I have less patience with jarring flowers that are not fully finished. The person I grow for doesn't complain about the early cuts, but to me it just seems wrong. And yet, I find myself doing it again. This year I've been taking down the top colas on the early side, since they are the most likely to mold up, and letting the bottoms go longer. I'm hoping in the end to have less loss, and hopefully two enjoyable terpene profiles for each plant that actually finishes.

So far my Glueberry OG was a total loss, and I've taken some early samples on the Cinderella Jack that is being hit pretty hard. I guess I need to start thinking about next winter's indoor grow, and then in the spring take another look at how I'm growing outdoors.
That's why I started growing autos, the short season allows me to miss most of the rain... and yet I'm still having some mold issues.
Last month has been the wettest on record where I live. It was just on the news. Lots of weeds that are sprouting and also mold...I'm not complaining though as I've been graced by a multitude of flavors and smells. I just hope to get this one to the finishline as I would like one weed for night night...:dragon8:

This year I've been taking down the top colas on the early side, since they are the most likely to mold up, and letting the bottoms go longer.
But still perfect for extraction. Pressing or like I've picked up again this year bubble hash ;)

So far my Glueberry OG was a total loss
I lost a Blueberry completely to mold. A shame, but that's how I play brother. In a greenhouse you've got advantages, but also disadvantages :shrug:
Last month has been the wettest on record where I live.
This has been a year of records... and not in a good way.

But still perfect for extraction. Pressing or like I've picked up again this year bubble hash ;)
Good thoughts. These are strains I've never grown before so I was looking forward to viable smoke samples, but I'll take what I can get. I've read a few times that as the bud truly finishes (to some percentage of amber trichomes) that it's not necessarily a matter of the high getting stronger, but more that it gets better, more balanced. The person I grow for is an all-day smoker, and likes an 'edgy' high, so I suppose it's all good.

I lost a Blueberry completely to mold. A shame, but that's how I play brother. In a greenhouse you've got advantages, but also disadvantages :shrug:
This is my first year growing in the structure I'm in. It's a long story, sort of a hybrid of ideas and materials, I'm hoping to get more benefits than drawbacks. I'm definitely making some changes before next year, but that's to be expected with an untested design.
Day 73:

Hello ladies and gentlemen...WE'VE GOT AMBER TRICHOMES!!! :woohoo:Aaaaaánd... NO MOLD :d5:
I'm so glad the weather turned and we've got some warm days ahead of us :bow:
Buuút, what's a grow diary without pictures....

She's not drinking very much. Let me explain...With the warm weather I'm doing a double pass with the watering wand. The first pass is to wet everything and the second I stay a little longer to drench the coco completely. But when I came back to my beautiful Allif she was already relieveing herself of to much solution. And it's been a warm day, so I guess this plant knows her time is coming...:drunks:
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Some leaves feel crispy and pull out, but not as easy as with a mold ridden bud. There's still a little resistance. To make sure I checked the bud and NO MOLD :woohoo::d5:
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Let's not forget the trichomes :worship:
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Gonna give it a couple of days extra. This weekend will be perfect! :shooty:
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Here and there even a clear trichome...
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Day 75:

Hey guys,

Decided to harvest today as I found new spots with mold... I do have a nice mix of milky and amber trichomes :thumbsup:
I'm sorry I've got no pictures to show for it, but my hands were so sticky. I must have smudged the lens because all the pictures were bad... :shrug:
Next update will be the dry weight just before curing. See you on the on the other side :thanks:

