Diabetes treatment with canna and magnesium


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Diabetes, Cannabinoid Therapy & Magnesium

Posted by Dr Sircus on August 22, 2011 | Filed under Diabetes, Magnesium, Medical Marijuana, Medicine


http://publications.imva.info/index.php/e-books/new-paradigms-in-diabetic-care.htmlThere is nothing more needed in medicine today than a way of treating diabetes and metabolic syndrome because these syndromes lead directly to cancer, heart disease and stroke. I wrote New Paradigms in Diabetic Care to address what doctors and medical officials are loath to face—the real causes of diabetes. Diabetes is not the hopeless disease that most doctors would have us believe. There are safe treatments and lifestyle changes that will prevent diabetes from destroying your life.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta declares that 33% of the babies born this year will be diabetic by the year 2050. - Dr. Alan Cantwell
When we find out that diabetes and metabolic syndrome are caused by toxic insults from heavy metals, radiation exposure and chemicals running smack into major nutritional deficiencies, we begin to stumble upon treatment pathways that actually work. Diabetes is actually an extremely serious warning to civilization; it is an announcement that the rising tide of radiation, mercury, other deadly chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs are poisoning humanity. The cost of not treating diabetes in a truly effective way is steep. Diabetes can contribute to, among other things, eye disorders and blindness, kidney failure, amputation, nerve damage, heart disease and stroke. Diabetes makes pregnancy more difficult and can cause birth defects.
Populations are being simultaneously poisoned and starved by the food they eat.
Dangerous or Safe Approaches to Diabetes

What we are introducing in this chapter is a pair of medicinals that will positively impact diabetic treatment. Magnesium chloride and cannabinoid medicine together shame contemporary medicine’s shockingly dangerous approach, which cures no one. “Conventional drug treatment for diabetes does not have a good track record. Prescription drugs have various side effects and are associated with severe health complications. Several researchers have revealed that long-term use of some common diabetes drugs can increase the risk of cancer and heart disease. An analysis of five-year data collected from an ongoing 10-year study, conducted by Takeda Pharmaceuticals, showed a link between the common anti-diabetes drug Actos and increased risk of bladder cancer”, writes Dr. Marc Ott.
80% of patients use 2 or more diabetes drugs every day.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires oral diabetes medicines to carry a warning regarding increased risk of heart attack. Medications for type-2 diabetes actually do more harm than good. In February 2008, researchers heading a large, government-funded trial made a sobering announcement. The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study, designed to evaluate the effectiveness of various medication regimens, found that the most intensive drug regimens aimed at driving blood sugar way down resulted in a much higher cardiovascular death rate. Intensive blood-sugar-lowering treatment proved to be so harmful that the researchers halted the study 18 months early to prevent this aggressive drug use from killing even more people.[1]
Avandia raises the risk of heart attacks and possibly deaths. Yet more than 6 million people worldwide have taken the drug to control blood sugar since it came on the market 12 years ago.
Medical science has known about the fatal complications of diabetes drugs since 1969 when results of a similar study called the University Group Diabetes Program were made public. That study also had to be stopped two years early because participants who were taking the drugs had a 250-300 percent higher death rate than those taking the placebo.[2]
Dr Julian Whitaker says that, “The majority of patients with type-2 diabetes who come to the Whitaker Wellness Institute are taking at least one oral medication. We stop these drugs on sight. If they’re on insulin and they’re overweight, we stop the insulin as well. Giving insulin to heavy type-2 diabetics is a recipe for further weight gain and does more harm than good. As you might imagine, this is a new concept. Patients are conditioned to trust their doctors, who have convinced them of the absolute necessity of taking drugs to lower blood sugar. However, once they hear the truth about diabetes drugs, most of our patients opt to stop their medications and adopt a much healthier treatment approach targeted at lowering blood sugar and reducing risk of heart disease and other complications.”
Most pain and anti-inflammatory medications are not safe; even the over-the-counter pain medications hold unforeseen dangers. Despite more than a decade’s worth of research showing that taking too much acetaminophen can ruin the liver, the number of severe, unintentional poisonings from the drug is on the rise, a 2005 study reports.[3] The drug, acetaminophen, is best known under the brand name Tylenol. Compounds containing Tylenol include Excedrin, Midol Teen Formula, Theraflu, Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine, NyQuil Cold and Flu and Paracetamol as well as other over-the-counter drugs and many prescription narcotics, like Vicodin and Percocet.
Inflammation, Magnesium and Diabetes

Inflammation plays a key role in a set of disorders that include type-2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease—collectively called the metabolic syndrome (or Syndrome X). Dr. Steve Shoelson, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School has focused squarely on inflammation. Epidemiologists have found that patients with type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease have slightly elevated levels of inflammatory markers in their bloodstream.
Magnesium deficiency is pro-inflammatory. Magnesium deficiency induces insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, endothelial activation and prothrombic changes in combination with the upregulation of markers of inflammation and oxidative stress.[4] Though it is magnesium that modulates cellular events involved in inflammation, we can find another powerful and exceptionally safe medicine that can head inflammation off at the pass. When we understand the process of inflammation, and treat it with magnesium chloride, and other of my protocol items (Cannabinoids[5]) we can put an end to a large amount of suffering.
Inflammatory reactions in the body are a valuable predictor of impending heart attack. Magnesium deficiency causes and underpins chronic inflammatory buildups. Magnesium deficiencies feed the fires of inflammation and pain. Increases in extracellular magnesium concentration cause a decrease in the inflammatory response. Magnesium literally puts the chill on inflammation especially when used transdermally.
Dr. Andrzej Mazur [6] said, “Magnesium deficiency induces a systemic stress response by activation of neuro endocrinological pathways. Magnesium deficiency contributes to an exaggerated response to immune stress and oxidative stress is the consequence of the inflammatory response.” Magnesium improves and helps correct insulin sensitivity, which is the fundamental defect that characterizes pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome and even full blown diabetes and heart disease. An intracellular enzyme called tyrosine kinase requires magnesium to allow insulin to exert its blood-sugar-lowering effects. In several studies, daily oral magnesium supplementation substantially improved insulin sensitivity by 10% and reduced blood sugar by 37%.[7],[8]
Let’s Not Forget the Sun. Researchers from Tuffs and Harvard are telling us that daily supplements of vitamin D boosts the function of the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.[9]
Medical Marijuana and Diabetes

Dr. Gregory T. Carter, Clinical Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine says, “Marijuana is a complex substance containing over 60 different forms of cannabinoids, the active ingredients. Cannabinoids are now known to have the capacity for neuromodulation via direct, receptor-based mechanisms at numerous levels within the nervous system. These have therapeutic properties that may be applicable to the treatment of neurological disorders including anti-oxidative, neuroprotective, analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, immunomodulation, modulation of glial cells and tumor growth regulation.[10] Intracellular changes and altered signaling of the neurons seems to be the principle effects of the cannabinoids in marijuana.

Cannabinoids reduced inflammation in the brain and prevented cognitive decline. Cannabinoids have also been shown to alleviate neuropathic pain.[11]
Marijuana has strong anti-inflammatory effects. “This is why I believe that people who used marijuana a few decades ago are much less likely to develop any disease, such as Alzheimer’s, that relies upon the slow development of brain inflammation,” said Dr. Gary Wenk. The recent discovery of an endogenous cannabinoid system with specific receptors and ligands (compounds that activate receptors and trigger their characteristic responses) has increased our understanding of the actions of marijuana. Excessive inflammatory responses can emerge as a potential danger for organisms’ health. Physiological balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory processes constitutes an important feature of responses against harmful events.
There is mounting evidence pointing to dysfunction of the endocannabinoid system having an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity.[12] Insulin-induced glucose uptake increases with increasing THC concentration.
Professor Mike Cawthorne and the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline believe that plant-based medicines might be the way to approach the treatment of diabetes. The particular plant they are studying is marijuana. Cannabis is an excellent anti-inflammatory that lacks the side effects of steroids, the NSAIDS, and the COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx. This anti-inflammatory action may help quell the arterial inflammation common in diabetes.
Cannabidiol (CBD)[13] arrested the onset of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice in a 2007 study. Researchers at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem [14] in 2006 reported that injections of 5 mg per day of CBD (10-20 injections) significantly reduced the prevalence of diabetes in mice from an incidence of 86 percent in non-treated controls to an incidence of only 30 percent. In a separate experiment, investigators reported that control mice all developed diabetes at a median of 17 weeks (range 15-20 weeks) while a majority (60 percent) of CBD-treated mice remained diabetes-free at 26 weeks. Investigators also reported that CBD significantly lowered plasma levels of the pro-inflammatory cykotines (proteins), INF-gamma and TNF-alpha, and significantly reduced the severity of insulitis compared to non-treated controls.
Cannabidiol – CBD – CBD also occurs in almost all strains and is the second most interesting cannabinoid in regards to medical cannabis. Unlike THC, CBD lacks noticeable psychoactive effects. Nevertheless, CBD has valuable medical properties. CBD appears to work synergistically with THC, bolstering its medical effects while moderating its psycho-activity. It is also thought to improve wakefulness and to enhance THC’s activity against pain. Taken by itself CBD has anti-inflammatory, antianxiety, anti-epileptic, sedative and neuro-protective actions. It is also a potent anti-oxidant, protecting against chemical damage due to oxidation. Studies have suggested that CBD could protect against the development of diabetes, certain kinds of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, brain and nerve damage due to stroke, alcoholism, nausea, inflammatory bowel disease and Huntington’s disease.
Researchers concluded that confirmation of the observed immunomodulatory effects of CBD “may lead to the clinical application of this agent in the prevention of type-1 diabetes” and possibly other autoimmune diseases. They note that many patients diagnosed with type-1 diabetes have sufficient residual cells that produce insulin at the time of diagnosis, and may be candidates for immunomodulation therapy.
Bioactive cannabinoids have an anti-inflammatory effect. Marijuana can also be used to make topical creams to relieve neuropathic pain and tingling in hands and feet. Cannabis helps still diabetic “restless leg syndrome” (RLS), so the patient can sleep better: “It is recommended that patients use a vaporizer or smoke cannabis to aid in falling asleep.”
In studies THC essentially countered the effects of insulin resistance. These results support previous findings that smoking cannabis can reduce blood glucose in diabetics (Gallant, Odei-Addo, Frost, & Levendal, 2009).
Cannabidiol protects retinal neurons by preserving glutamine synthetase activity in diabetes. In current research on how to modulate cannabinoid receptors in the human body, Dr. Gregory I. Liou, a molecular biologist at the Medical College of Georgia, has found that cannabidiol (a cannabis compound) could prevent the overabundance of leaky eye blood vessels associated with diabetic retinopathy. As the leading cause of blindness in the United States, diabetic retinopathy is a major health concern for more than 16 million American adults.
Dr. Liou’s work, published in the January issue of the American Journal of Pathology indicates that cannabidiol can interrupt the destructive points of action in diabetic animals. “What we believe cannabidiol does is go in here as an antioxidant to neutralize the toxic superoxides. Number two, it inhibits the self-destructive system and allows the self-produced endogenous cannabinoids to stay there longer by inhibiting the enzyme that destroys them.” Dr. Liou believes that cannabinoids act as a type of negotiator, trying to keep peace, harmony and balance between a host of potentially volatile and dangerous factions of cells. “Cannabinoids are trying to ease the situation on both sides.”
Cannabis is neuroprotective.[15] It is believed that much of neuropathy comes from the inflammation of nerves caused by glycoproteins in the blood that deposit in peripheral tissues and trigger an immune response. Cannabis helps protect the nerve covering (myelin sheath) from inflammatory attack. Cannabis also lessens the pain of neuropathy by activating receptors in the body and brain. Some components of cannabis (perhaps cannibidiol) act as anti-spasmodic agents similar to the far more toxic anti-convulsants like Neurontin. This action of cannabis helps relieve diabetic muscle cramps and GI upset.
The Journal of the American College of Cardiology stated, “Collectively, our results strongly suggest that cannabidiol may have tremendous therapeutic potential in the treatment of diabetic cardiovascular and other complications.”[16]
Gynura Procumbens
Probably the most beneficial plant for diabetes
Diabetes – Acid Conditions and Treatment with Sodium Bicarbonate

Posted by Dr Sircus on February 12, 2010 | Filed under Diabetes, Medicine, Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)


A highly acidic pH level (created by all the above) puts the pancreas, liver, and all the body’s organs at risk. Because of the important role played by the liver in removing acid waste from the body, liver function is particularly at risk when acids accumulate. When acidity prevents the liver and pancreas from regulating blood sugar, the risk of diabetes will increase.
We already know that sodium bicarbonate dramatically slows the progress of chronic kidney disease but few have followed the logical conclusion that it would also be a front line defense against diabetes. From prevention to treatment and to part of a cure, common Baking Soda is an essential tool in working with diabetic and metabolic syndromes. Obviously it does not take the place of an alkaline diet and water but bicarbonate is a front line medicine that doctors and patients can employ orally and transdermally in baths.
Sodium bicarbonate injections are already indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis, which may occur in severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, and circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration, extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis. But sodium bicarbonate can be used safely at home orally and transdermally (and should always be used with magnesium chloride for greatest effect) in all stages of diabetes.
Low grade chronic metabolic acidosis exists normally in humans eating ordinary diets, and that the degree of acidosis increases with age. - Dr Lynda Frassetto
According to Dr Lynda Frassetto, an acid – alkaline researcher from the University of California, “We have been forced to turn an evolutionary corner”. Our bodies are so overwhelmed with cellular acid-wastethat “We simply do not handle acid waste the way we used to.” People as diverse as Edgar Cayce, Dr. William Howard Hay, MD and Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, ND, author of “Alkalinize or Die”, along with Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD, Dsc, ND are trying to alert us to what is actually killing us and causing untold needless suffering.
Dr. Young, states: “Excess acidity is a condition that weakens all body systems. Excess acidity forces the body to borrow minerals – including sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium – from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and to safely remove it from the body. As a result, the body can suffer severe and prolonged ‘corrosion’ due to high acidity – a condition that may go undetected for years. Over-acidity affects virtually every person in Westernized society because of our dietary and lifestyle choices and ecological exposure – resulting in creating our own “internal environment where dis-ease can easily manifest, as opposed to a pH-balanced environment which allows for normal body functions – necessary for the body to resist dis-ease. The pancreas is one of our body’s organs charged with the awesome responsibility to “alkalinize” us … can you start to see how our serious acidosis has overwhelmed our pancreas’ ability to operate effectively, that then results in a state called “diabetes.”
Rather than focusing on the tissues or organ we concentrate on the fluids that surround the tissues and organs. The cells or organs are only as healthy as the fluids in which they are bathed in. - Dr. Robert O. Young
Not only does high acidity make you vulnerable to diabetes. The impact of diabetes on the body increases the level of acid waste. Therefore improper pH balance puts diabetics at greater risk for complications such as kidney failure, gangrene and blindness. A diabetic suffers from an excess of glucose in the bloodstream, glucose that cannot be delivered properly to the body’s cells due to lack of insulin. As the liver absorbs more and more of the excess glucose, its ability to remove toxins from the body becomes impaired. As the toxins multiply, the acid level in the body increases.
Because glucose is not delivered properly to the body’s cells, the cells start to malfunction. They expel increasing amounts of acid waste. Some of the excess acid filters through the kidneys, causing damage that can lead to kidney failure. Some of the acid accumulates in the liver, further damaging the liver’s ability to remove toxins. Acid that is not filtered out or stored can attach to and harden the cell walls, further preventing the cells from absorbing nutrients. Eventually the cells die, starting with the glucose-dependent eyes and the extremities where it’s more difficult for nutrients to reach. Blindness and gangrene can result.
Many different causes exist for the disease called Renal Tubular Acidosis which also causes the blood to become too acidic and leads to kidney failure if not treated early.[1] Without proper treatment, chronic acidity of the blood leads to growth retardation, kidney stones, bone disease, chronic kidney disease, and possibly total kidney failure. In all cases, the first goal of therapy is to neutralize acid in the blood, and this is done with IV and oral sodium bicarbonate, though different treatments may be needed to address the different underlying causes of acidosis.
Fortunately, a significant reduction of acids in your body can lead to organ regeneration and improved health. A diet that’s more alkaline can help you reverse the damage caused by acidity and diabetes. The right combination of fresh vegetable juices, for example, can help your body break down and destroy excessive acid waste. For a doubly positive impact, eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet. Not only do refined carbohydrates make it difficult to control your blood sugar balance, but they also increase your body’s acidity. Vitamin and mineral supplements specially formulated to balance pH are an important part of your strategy with spirulina, wheatgrass and barley juice on top of the list in this regard. These are actually the best full spectrum vitamin and mineral supplements. Real food, not synthetic supplements, are hugely more effective.
Alpha Lipoic Acid Treatments

Posted by Dr Sircus on January 28, 2010 | Filed under Diabetes, Medicine



Alpha Lipoic Acid is soluble in both fat and water. It is capable of regenerating several other antioxidants back to their active states, including vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10. ALA has several benefits for people with diabetes. It enhances glucose uptake in type 2 adult onset diabetes, inhibits formation of AGEs (advanced glycation end products). ALA has been used to improve diabetic nerve damage and reduce pain associated with that nerve damage. Take 300-600mg of the proper form of Alpha Lipoic Acid daily.
Dr. Bert Berkson tells us, “An alarming number of adults, even adults in their 20s, suffer from a pre-diabetic state. The high-carbohydrate, high-sugar diet that is so popular in America overloads the body’s response to sugar. This has the effect of altering the body’s use of insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels. A lot of research has focused on ALA’s ability to stimulate the insulin response and get people back to normal blood sugar levels. I’ve seen fantastic results using ALA to reverse all stages of diabetes.” ALA also chelates mercury!
Several open studies show benefits for oral Alpha lipoic acid in reducing symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy .7-11
The DEKAN (Deutsche Kardiale Autonome Neuropathie) study followed 73 people with diabetes who had symptoms caused by nerve damage affecting the heart. Treatment with 800 mg daily of oral ALA showed statistically significant improvement.7
Preliminary evidence suggests that Alpha lipoic acid may improve other aspects of diabetes as well, including circulation in small blood vessels, metabolism of sugar and protein, and the body’s response to insulin.2-6
One study by Dr. Bert Berkson has shown benefit for alpha-lipoic acid as part of a combination “triple antioxidant” therapy for hepatitis C with liver failure. 12
The amount of ALA used in research to improve diabetic neuropathies is 600-1800 mg per day and 200 mg per day for glaucoma. 200 mg per day is recommended for general antioxidant protection in healthy people.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid helps: deactivate free radicals, extend the action of other antioxidants, Release energy from food, and maintain proper glucose metabolism. The body makes small amounts of alpha lipoic acid. ALA has several potential benefits for diabetics. It enhances glucose uptake in non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM), inhibits glycosylation (the abnormal attachment of sugar to protein), and has been used to improve diabetic nerve damage and reduce pain associated with that nerve damage.
There is preliminary evidence that ALA, taken in the amount of 150-200mg daily for one month, improves visual function in people with glaucoma. ALA has been shown to inhibit the replication of the HIV virus in the test tube. ALA has been given to people who have eaten poison mushrooms, significantly increasing the survival rate. ALA is presently used in therapy for a variety of liver and kidney disorders due to free radical damage.
There is preliminary evidence that ALA, taken in the amount of 150-200mg daily for one month, improves visual function in people with glaucoma.

ALA is also Brilliant for Nerve Damage...Guinea-Pigged....:coffee break:
Dear Aunty

As you know I am diabetic. Thanks for bringing all this to a head. I could add some things.

Some Native American's suspect that "Insulin' causes the amputations of limbs more than the Diabetes itself. I had a Gf long ago who told me about this, she was Native.

I recieved letters from the US Gov't saying I ingested harmful heavy metals when I was stationed in North Carolina in 1983-84. They say good luck, and by the way, they will pay for any medical bills I have if they associated with any of these (a list was shown) diseases. Evil type stuff on the list. However Diabetes is not on this list, and I think it should be. I thought this even before I read this thread.

I know that this (lowering of blood sugars) can be done, I have done it with the Olive leaf and cannabis regimen. Now I will add the MC to my daily regimen.

Since I started a year ago, the numbness in the pads of my feet has dissapated. Back when I was consistantly testing, my Glucose levels were at about 110 or so, If I had added the excercise to my program, I would be in the ideal ranges.

Anyway, great information

bye for now


I recieved letters from the US Gov't saying I ingested harmful heavy metals when
I was stationed in North Carolina in 1983-84. They say good luck, and by the
way, they will pay for any medical bills I have if they associated with any of
these (a list was shown) diseases. Evil type stuff on the list.

Eek..have you seen the Heavy Metals detox bath on Vets forum.
Not Tested..and I'm Not high up on PTS homework..except that I always find links for it In my homework areas.

From my experience and homework..I'd say that Heavy Detox should be our First line of treatment for vets to detox the heavy metals.

Also..I'd say Diabetes type2 should be on the List..it is a "Symptom" of the bodies switch off from Self-Healing.

However Diabetes is not on this list, and I think it should be. I thought this even before I read this thread.

Now I will add the MC to my daily regimen.

IMO..the Mag Chloride is the Master Key.

It is the Benefit we are getting From the Olive Leaves..adding the Mag reinforces the benefits we are getting..

Good Luck....:tiphat:..and I'll explain Why shortly.