Does Cannabis make your heart race?

Aug 20, 2019
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This thread was inspired by my last one where @Arthur mentioned sometimes weed would keep him up, which has actually happened to me to.

Apart from that, one of the blogposts I'm editing is precisely about that and I was wondering if it actually happened to any of you, do you think it's more about the strain or phisiology? to me it's definitely strains but not everyone is the same, I'd rather to learn it from you directly than doing biased research which is what I deal with on a daily basis
Being kept up by being stoned (insomnia), such as from an 'up' sativa, is far different from "make your heart race." Which is your concern, pychological or physiological stimulant-like effects?

Regarding whatever topic concerning adverse effects with cannabis is of interest: if you professionally do "biased research," you can probably more easily and quickly do your own un-biased research. There are better sources than AFN for cannabis adverse effects information, with AFN good if you want anecdotes, stories, experiences, etc., nothin makez my heart race...'cept a total solar eclipse, or seein iron maiden live...but weed-? nope, sorry...:shrug:

UP THE IRONZ!! :headbang: ppp
Yeah... the keeping me up is usually due to sativas and having fun... get distracted easily...
A good heavy indica will put me down.

I've had weed that made my heart race, was from a "first grow" of a friend that was cut too early. Jittery stuff. Complete clear on the tricks, probably 3 weeks early, the bud still had a long way to go. Nod, smile and say great job, you got thru your first one! A polite pass on the second bowl, am in my 50s' I don't need a stroke.
This thread was inspired by my last one where @Arthur mentioned sometimes weed would keep him up, which has actually happened to me to.

Apart from that, one of the blogposts I'm editing is precisely about that and I was wondering if it actually happened to any of you, do you think it's more about the strain or phisiology? to me it's definitely strains but not everyone is the same, I'd rather to learn it from you directly than doing biased research which is what I deal with on a daily basis

This seems to happen to me any time I take a long tolerance break...I don't know if it's actually happening or if I just start having a slight panic attack and that is what causes it...almost made me want to stop smoking but I could never leave the herb alone who we kidding
Being kept up by being stoned (insomnia), such as from an 'up' sativa, is far different from "make your heart race." Which is your concern, pychological or physiological stimulant-like effects?

Regarding whatever topic concerning adverse effects with cannabis is of interest: if you professionally do "biased research," you can probably more easily and quickly do your own un-biased research. There are better sources than AFN for cannabis adverse effects information, with AFN good if you want anecdotes, stories, experiences, etc.
One thing is insomnia and another is a racy heart ive had both and I don't think they're the same, I'm actually interested in both, I know I can find unbiased research by myself I meant it's what I deal with because I edit others people's stuff and well getting people's perspective is part of my research so I think AFN is a great place, nothin makez my heart race...'cept a total solar eclipse, or seein iron maiden live...but weed-? nope, sorry...:shrug:

UP THE IRONZ!! :headbang: ppp
Maiden does that to anyone haha hands down one of the greatest love shows I've seen
Yeah... the keeping me up is usually due to sativas and having fun... get distracted easily...
A good heavy indica will put me down.

I've had weed that made my heart race, was from a "first grow" of a friend that was cut too early. Jittery stuff. Complete clear on the tricks, probably 3 weeks early, the bud still had a long way to go. Nod, smile and say great job, you got thru your first one! A polite pass on the second bowl, am in my 50s' I don't need a stroke.
Yes! I have heard that a lot, premature bud lets you know you messed up by messing you up!