Droopy leaves

She is much happier this morning after a fairly thorough watering and feeding yesterday. I did 1200ml with Tang’s feeding schedule of Advanced Nutrients and it really perked her up. Thank you for all of the advice. Super helpful to a first-time AF grower! I was so nervous about over-watering as everyone says that’s the biggest mistake that a new grower can make, but obviously I was going too light.
:bighug::d5:Happy to be helpful, keep going, your plant looks good and healthy :pighug:
Just for your future reference. Leaves droop from under watering and over watering. Look at the stem part of the fan leaves to determine which ( usually, there are always exceptions to any rule). If leaves are droopy and stem part is droopy consider it a sign of under watering as there is not enough moisture in the plant to keep stems turgid (stiff), it leaves are droopy but stem part is stiff it's over watering, more than enough moisture to keep stems stiff but the leaves can't transpire the excess quick enough so they get heavy with internal moisture and droop... :goodluck: