f6's quest for organic hydro AKA hybrid aquaponics!


Jun 8, 2016
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Hi chums!

When I decided to grow again it was out of frustration, chasing around for it, being disappointed with both price and quality, not to mention it rips your throat out and give a headache.

Seriously.. Whoever grows this shitty bad weed needs to be taken out the back and shot.. Ahem..

Anyway, I wanted to grow how I had in the past, with a nice recirc hydro system a mate and I developed, however, I didn't want to use chem nutes, searching about organic hydro only brought negatives', slime, root rot, odour etc

So I searched up old mate aquaponics! Plenty of optimism but nowhere I could find success, veg stage does not seem the issue, but as cannabis is ravenous for a wide range of bites it can't keep up during flowering and buds are light and fluffy and potency is lessened.

Never to back down from a challenge I decided to give it a go, 3 grows in and I can say I am on the way to making this a viable growing system.

A quick search on the forum for my grows will give an idea of the self inflicted trauma I have caused myself and my plants, (fish are happy, no casualties as yet!)

Organic hydro essentially doesn't exist or qualify according to the relevant body's who cirtify so we won't really be concerning yourself with a 'certafiable' system and regime.

The goal is to develop what I have succeeded with so far and try to remove all the store bought items with known source sustainable alternatives :)

The items in my current additive/feed regime are all 'organic' based and I have tested the fishes tolerance to being in their environment and they are pretty happy, breeding even! (or at least practicing!)

So follow along as I strive for a unique grow style and unique product ;)

@Mods is there a way to keep the edit button open in this thread? It will take a while to link and populate the data interested parties might want to access :)

Ok, here we grow!

Part 1/3 - f6's AP grow lab components and how to!

130lt fish tank + associated ornaments, gravel, lights etc, keep fish happy, go ahead it's fun!
Fish! I have 7 comets approx 10cm long and 3 catfish (they eat any algae and clean the glass)

A big arsed pond bio press! Yep, big as you can get and a pump to suit. I got mine from eBay


Make sure you get a pump to match! You wont need any other kind of fish tank filter so don't bother with one from the aquarium when you set up your tank.

Ok, at this stage you can start your bacteria colony :) you will need to cycle your tank and water to get it ready to accept your fish (poo machines!)

I won't go into it but Google 'cycling aquarium' and there is plenty of info, I would advise using a water conditioner and quick start dose of bacteria (available from aquarium store)

Hehe, go on, you need to learn about keeping fish before you can get them to shit 'massive buds' tee hee

Ok, once your aquarium is cycled and fish are stocked you can start seedlings in the top of your tank. I chose baskets that fitted between the tank strengthening ymmv.
Here is how I did mine

Suitable sized propagation tent + 110w T5 (sit on top of tank!)
Basket pot or similar that fits! (I use Nutrifield pro pots) + feeder ring/halo
Clay balls or the like, try and keep debris from getting circulated, I will be using a stocking to help with this in future.
Small aquarium pump pushing aquarium water directly to feeder ring/halo.

With all the above operating you can plant seedlings you have started into baskets and get them going in veg.

You can do entire grow like this, and maybe that is the best way to start and see what actually happens lol

In Part 2, pumping down to the grow room and dosing the system to avoid deficiencies.

Part 2 - Readings, Tests & Dosing... Oh my!

Ok, so hopefully you read this before growing one out as above. (shits and giggles aside)

A few essentials

Freshwater master test kit, the bio system when working should show no ammonia, nitrite, but only nitrate (N)

plant likey much! ;)

Nitrate levels need to be controlled to avoid nute burn. Aquarium water change easiest to control but you can see the levels drop when the plant is feeding.

mwahaha.. Ahem.. Sry..

< 20ppm for seedlings
40-80ppm ok for veg
< 20ppm flowering

Further to the above system in Part 1, there are a few things I use to ensure my AP system is never lacking in a naturally sourced trace element.

First off is Diatomaceous earth !!!

Chums, this stuff comes in many forms, be careful before you use. I have found it is pretty amazing, discuss?

Thrichoderma! And a substrate, I have tried sphagnum moss and it works indeed. I am still learning about bio filters and building colonies of fungi and bacteria :)


GoGo Juice - (Seasol, Maxicrop etc)
love it, brewed, obviously 'organic' but all the preservatives and blockers to stop it going off, need to replace this with home brew!

BioSevia 'organic certified' hydro/aero/bio?

Alaska Pure- Now Bud Burst
I like it, organic but need to replace with stewarded resources.

um and that's it.

Oh wait! The budding :)

Part 3 - Not killing your fish....!

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Part 3! - Not killing your plant....!

With AP, less is more, start off slowly but don't be shy!


sry, pain will update
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thats not thought of as True organics. but good luck to you bro. if you want to add biology and so forth to a water system (which I personally dont like) you may want to check out this book.

Adding Biology

For Soil and Hydroponic systems. by Elaine Ingham Ph.D and Carole Ann Rollins,Ph.D.
I think it's interesting what you're doing. Been hearing about the current debate on organic certification for hydroponics. I'm a tlo guy and I "believe" in the soil food web... but I can see the value in growing hydroponic. I say go for it brother, the closer you get to a true organic the more interesting this can be.:pass:
many people have tried and with limited success with living biology added and kept alive. the microbe site and book I mentioned will really help you get moving. also you may want to contact tea labs as well. LOADS of info there. call Luke and ask,he'll help as much as he can and I seriously suggest you give him a ring.


these giys also did quite involved tests on Compost tea additions and feeding within a soil grow but hydro transporting through pipes and drip feeding i believe with microbe counts and so forth. WILL give you info if you follow the link into the experiment. good luck :)
General Hydroponics has euro certification for their BioSevia Range


I currently use their bloom nutrient only, I am trying to leverage the trichoderma system they use to make the nutrients available.

I meant to get back to this earlier and edit and link/add some pics but pain and 14hr work days knackering me.

My lab is down at the moment, I have 2 photos in the tent in pots so I will be able to document when I rebuild it and put back in production

@Eyes on Fire great read, yes I do understand some of this, I will have plenty of questions for you soon!

I also have another smaller tank that I may test the move from my current, less than ideal solution to what I hope to achieve, soilless, organic hydro/aqua

I was using clay balls and sphagnum moss as medium and a stocking of sphagnum moss as the tricoderma habitat in the reservoir

on this rebuild of the system I will be using Hydrocell flakes


I will mix in some bio balls and possibly some 7-10mm sized diotomacious earth (I use a little of this in the fish tank gravel and soil mix for outdoors)

I have some trichoderma and also some Tricho Thrive & Myco Thrive by Nutrifield

aim is to get the critters populated better, with less organic solids in the tub

the changes I am making are subtle as I want my main grow area to stay in production as I brew my own and learn. So I will defiantly do a similar micro grow with mrsf6's fish (well, missf6's fish, but I'll be discreet)

more soon, must survive last few working days
