Cultivators Club
I have Infinity T6 fans in my 4x4s and 2x4. I find that I’m having to run them at high speeds (7-9) to keep the temps from climbing above 80. I keep the lung room around 75. I keep seeing people talk about running fans at much lower settings. Am I missing something? To reduce the negative pressure, I have the vents open and I also leave the door flaps unzipped a bit at the bottom. The room has central air (carbon filters over vents) but also a window AC, and I have fans within the room itself circulating the cool air.
Is this just a temp issue, such that there isn’t a big enough difference from lung room to tent? I’m running HLG 600s and 300 respectively, not full power (though close, as I’m finally in flower). The temps are stable (drop about 5 degrees when lights out), so it’s more of a comfort issue for my ears. Just thought I’d see if there’s something I’m missing.
Is this just a temp issue, such that there isn’t a big enough difference from lung room to tent? I’m running HLG 600s and 300 respectively, not full power (though close, as I’m finally in flower). The temps are stable (drop about 5 degrees when lights out), so it’s more of a comfort issue for my ears. Just thought I’d see if there’s something I’m missing.