New Grower First grow, outdoor GCS Critical Purple Cold Weather


I grow soil ecosystems that grow plants for me.
Cultivators Club
May 28, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Welcome! I need input! First the basics I suppose:
Grower's Choice Seeds Critical Purple
I'm trying to slightly follow Mr. Canuck's Grow autoflower recipe.
I'm using mostly coco, perlite, and some FFOF.
My dry amendments are Dr. Earth, 5-5-5 and Annual Bloom 3-7-4.
I've added Mykos to the soil as well.
I've been adding fresh Aloe gel and coconut water during some of the waterings, plus a Calmag supplement and a little brown sugar/maple syrup.
CP [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is the focus of this, I've got two going and then two Auto AKs, all from GCS.
I've also got SODK, Chemdogging, and Sour Stomper going from Mephisto. 1 of each so far, although I think I will start another Chemdogging, my first one got shocked within the first few days. She's growing now, but way behind the others.

I think I started LST too early, but she seems to be ok right now.

Oh, and I think I'm dealing with Spider Mites..... photo of a sister plant uploaded as well, spotting on the leaves that seem consistent with sm. I'm hoping I'm wrong. I've treated the whole crop with a diluted Neem Oil.

She seems small for her age compared to others I've seen. Is she going to produce anything worthwhile? There was cold, disagreeable weather for the first 20 days of her life. She was born April 24th, so she is almost 40 days todays. I've spotted a few pistils, and I'll upload pics of those tomorrow. Any bets on how long she has, or is it way to early to tell?
She might of been stunted by the cold weather but she is worth finishing for sure. The LST early is not an issue depends on what you are going for. Not sure why you are adding a sugar to your soil. I would make a compost tea with it but straight in the soil might attract some bugs or other nasty things. So far so good though. Neem oil works only thing I have ever used. I have not grown outdoors in 20 plus years though. :pass:
Welcome to AFN :welcome:. I don't know anything about spider mites as I've never had them(yet). Other than a few bug bites she looks fine to me :thumbsup:. Keep doing what you're doing and she should reward you with some nice homegrown.
Gcs critical purple 102 days old 72 days in flower 1 to 2 weeks left she will take at least 80 days from spotting pistols this one struggled in seedling stage n topped itself I've run 5 of these n they have all taken over 80 days in flower huge buds though this one I did in a 1 gallon fabric pot n it looks to hold close to 2 oz.
Gcs critical purple 102 days old 72 days in flower 1 to 2 weeks left she will take at least 80 days from spotting pistols this one struggled in seedling stage n topped itself I've run 5 of these n they have all taken over 80 days in flower huge buds though this one I did in a 1 gallon fabric pot n it looks to hold close to 2 oz. View attachment 1067814

She’s a beast! Thanks for the idea of timeline, I figured I still had awhile
I have run most every strain GCS has I've had a cple issues with a ak and a blueberry not autoflowering but in all I have been pretty happy with them. They all seem to take close to or a little over 100 days start to finish the cp is very good smoke though ur plant looks pretty spot on with where its at with ur troubles uve faced. They stretch pretty fast once flowering kicks off! Every cp I've run was pretty tall bye the end
I have run most every strain GCS has I've had a cple issues with a ak and a blueberry not autoflowering but in all I have been pretty happy with them. They all seem to take close to or a little over 100 days start to finish the cp is very good smoke though ur plant looks pretty spot on with where its at with ur troubles uve faced. They stretch pretty fast once flowering kicks off! Every cp I've run was pretty tall bye the end

Nice to know, I had been hoping to harvest before the real muggy weather in August and September, but I’ll just have to keep an eye. Either way I’m excited to see what she becomes, for all I’ve smoked I’ve never gotten to see the life cycle. Good thing I’m patient, I don’t have anything until these are done .
I'll ride along with ya on this journey best of luck to ya.