Nutrients FullDuplex abandons the Fox....


Nice to read this :)
But yes you can look at the tab as a really strong base in your strategy... and using only the tabs will give you good results.
But if you try out our complete line, that will make sure you have a balanced out soil life.
You will see the buds get real dense/ heavy/ sticky/ delightful tasting.

Those strawberry's are goint to be sweet... :)

Nice to read this :)
But yes you can look at the tab as a really strong base in your strategy... and using only the tabs will give you good results.
But if you try out our complete line, that will make sure you have a balanced out soil life.
You will see the buds get real dense/ heavy/ sticky/ delightful tasting.

Heyyy :D Biotabs!!

Thanks for the sweet reply! I will try a more complete lineup next time :d5:

Those strawberry's are goint to be sweet... :)

I'll post you a picture :rofl: ...... if those damn slugs don't get the better of me this year! :D

@Biotabs F69 asesome to have you in here!! And @blue you know I always have love for you. :bighug:

Thank you both for the info and honestly it's what I want this thread to become. A place where , as per my typical regimen, people can learn. Just like I am.

So I do have a question for you though @Biotabs F69 I'm going to approach this in a different way. I have about 50 L of soil started with your base mix as per directions.

Now my question is, can I grind up the 5 tabs that are recommended for 50L and mix that into the base and then plant my seedlings. Reason I ask is I will be using it to fill 25 .5 gal pots. So it would be hard to just break them up over that many pots of soil.

In my mind the theory is the same. The 50l of soil is getting the correct amount of tab material in it.

Once the seedlings go in I'll use only water to feed and the full line that was provided in the test.

@blue you know I'll have stuff on standby but I also think this may be a good blend to the base soil I've made. I've already amended the soil before the tabs gear. I recycle and compost my soil so I figure with the stimulation of the tabs I should be ok. I tested the soil with out the biotabs and it got me to flower and bud set before I noticed any fade in the leaf.
@Biotabs F69 asesome to have you in here!! And @blue you know I always have love for you. :bighug:

Thank you both for the info and honestly it's what I want this thread to become. A place where , as per my typical regimen, people can learn. Just like I am.

So I do have a question for you though @Biotabs F69 I'm going to approach this in a different way. I have about 50 L of soil started with your base mix as per directions.

Now my question is, can I grind up the 5 tabs that are recommended for 50L and mix that into the base and then plant my seedlings. Reason I ask is I will be using it to fill 25 .5 gal pots. So it would be hard to just break them up over that many pots of soil.

In my mind the theory is the same. The 50l of soil is getting the correct amount of tab material in it.

Once the seedlings go in I'll use only water to feed and the full line that was provided in the test.

@blue you know I'll have stuff on standby but I also think this may be a good blend to the base soil I've made. I've already amended the soil before the tabs gear. I recycle and compost my soil so I figure with the stimulation of the tabs I should be ok. I tested the soil with out the biotabs and it got me to flower and bud set before I noticed any fade in the leaf.

The grinding up of the tabs, I recomend that only when you are just growing with only tabs.
The grinding is done so the feeding is released direclty, since you are using Startex/ (our full line) this will make sure in the beginning nutes are released
The grinding up of the tabs, I recomend that only when you are just growing with only tabs.
The grinding is done so the feeding is released direclty, since you are using Startex/ (our full line) this will make sure in the beginning nutes are released

Makes sense and i see what you mean, i think that i have a way to break it across the 25 pots.
The grinding up of the tabs, I recomend that only when you are just growing with only tabs.
The grinding is done so the feeding is released direclty, since you are using Startex/ (our full line) this will make sure in the beginning nutes are released

Great thread and info.... Sorry @Biotabs F69, but you lost me there, can you please explain again why tabs should only be grinded/pulverised/distributed when used on their own?
Great thread and info.... Sorry @Biotabs F69, but you lost me there, can you please explain again why tabs should only be grinded/pulverised/distributed when used on their own?

If you put the tab alone in the soil, it will need about 1/1,5 week before it wil start to be active, also it will slowly release the nuts...

If you grind the tab al the nutes will be directly available .
But to not grind your tabs, in our normal line we have 2 products that make sure your soil life is directly alive and active: Startrex: is a fine concentrated compost, that contain high levels off humus and beneficial soil bacteria.
Silicium flash our newest product that is so potent when you use it, the use of Orgatrex is no needed anymore, so even less work

The silicium is a really interesting product, but soon will make a new thread, that has a details explanation about all our products

Here is a product info about the Startex

Startrex is a rich humus produced from the leftovers of juiced grapes that are partially converted into humus.
Startrex contains a large quantity of soil bacteria that immediately work to improve the soil and ensure better uptake of organic fertilizers.
Most potting soil is sterilized to kill weed seeds and germs. This also kills all the beneficial soil bacteria and fungi. The result is that it takes a long time for the soil life in your potting soil to become established.
Mixing your potting soil with Startrex brings your soil to life immediately. Startrex promotes the development of mycorrhiza fungi and stimulates the multiplication of beneficial soil bacteria, the growth and the overall health of the plant.
Startrex gives your crop an explosive start, your plants will root faster and growth will take off at a tremendous speed.
Directions for use:
Indoor: Mix your potting soil with 50 grams of Startrex for every 10 liters of potting soil used.
Outdoor: Mix your soil with 250 grams of Startrex for each m2 of soil.
Hey Now!
Subbed and watching. It is time for me, I need to get away from my current set-up and want to go in this direction.
Thanks @FullDuplex for starting this and @Biotabs F69 for bring us added insights.
If you put the tab alone in the soil, it will need about 1/1,5 week before it wil start to be active, also it will slowly release the nuts...

If you grind the tab al the nutes will be directly available .
But to not grind your tabs, in our normal line we have 2 products that make sure your soil life is directly alive and active: Startrex: is a fine concentrated compost, that contain high levels off humus and beneficial soil bacteria.
Silicium flash our newest product that is so potent when you use it, the use of Orgatrex is no needed anymore, so even less work

The silicium is a really interesting product, but soon will make a new thread, that has a details explanation about all our products

Here is a product info about the Startex

Startrex is a rich humus produced from the leftovers of juiced grapes that are partially converted into humus.
Startrex contains a large quantity of soil bacteria that immediately work to improve the soil and ensure better uptake of organic fertilizers.
Most potting soil is sterilized to kill weed seeds and germs. This also kills all the beneficial soil bacteria and fungi. The result is that it takes a long time for the soil life in your potting soil to become established.
Mixing your potting soil with Startrex brings your soil to life immediately. Startrex promotes the development of mycorrhiza fungi and stimulates the multiplication of beneficial soil bacteria, the growth and the overall health of the plant.
Startrex gives your crop an explosive start, your plants will root faster and growth will take off at a tremendous speed.
Directions for use:
Indoor: Mix your potting soil with 50 grams of Startrex for every 10 liters of potting soil used.
Outdoor: Mix your soil with 250 grams of Startrex for each m2 of soil.

Thank you for the reply, but this is getting rather murky....... I looked into the Silicium Flash(SF) ..... No information on your website at all, but Spanish growshops knows about it, and found this description that may be poorly translated and/or inaccurate

A few more questions....

Why is SF sold in Liters(volume) when the dosage is in grams(weight)?

How many grams is 9 liters of SF?

What's the reason for needing both SF(NPK 4-3-3) and tabs, when a dosage of SF will last for a whole grow, or is that my misunderstanding of the description?

What is "insects' faeces", quitine and oligo-elements?