I have read that the legendary Gainesville Green was a random cross between a couple of Maui Wowie bag seed males and some Santa Marta females. This according to the alleged "accidental inventor" of the strain, Rick Naya. I have been thinking about trying to do an auto version, but the handful of Maui Wowie (alleged) seeds out there sound dodgy, especially the one auto i saw. IMO, a photo plant that is "20% indica" is not exactly Maui Wowie. So I have been thinking about a good subsitutue for the Maui. TodayI just read about another cross that I had actually been thinking about. Whoever invented it was either in South Florida in the bad old days or reads a lot. Back them, the Colombian sicarios were rumored to have a gruesome method of executing their rivals. They suppesedly would cut their throats and then pull their tongue back and out though the gash. This was called a "Colombian Necktie." Well, somebody has invented a strain they call 'Colombian NeckThai" Gross but clever, no? 
As the name implies, it is a cross between Colombian Gold and Thai. What interested me what thet the desiciption said it was "neon green with bright ornage hairs and a piney smell." Sounds like GG to me. I had been thinkng that maybe a World of Seeeds cross using their Thai and Colombian Gold autoflower strains might be proimsing. Any thoughts?