Germination - Query around Ronin method

Sep 1, 2020
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Hi guys, first post so be gentle :) Its only my 2nd grow too and i think i was lucky the first time round as it went relatively well. This time i just lost 3 seeds using the paper towel method so am looking for a simpler/better method to get through germination.

I am soil growing with Light Mix and a Telos Pro 010 LED light.

I have reviewed the Ronin method for germination but i don't have a propagation light, i have a dome and heat mat and i have purchased root riot cubes.

With the germination dome and heat mat it looks like perfect germination conditions - all seeds have popped and are beginning to emerge.

My query is around autoflowers and when to move them into the soil from the rapid rooters / root riots / rootit's. In Ronin's method we wait for the true leaves but i dont have a CFL light and i thought the general advice was to avoid transplanting them when the roots show so i am worried i will shock the seedlings if i move the rootit cubes from the dome into the final pot. Also, i have the light sitting as high as it goes and was planning 24/0.

I contacted Root Riot and they advised to not wait for the true leaves as this may shock the plant and to move it as soon as the first non true leaves appear.

What are your thoughts - should i move them into their final pots and under the LED light as soon as the first non true leaves appear?

Help appreciated
Sooner the better yes, I would plant them in their final pots within a few days of them sprouting. If you can get your tent temps warm and humid, you can just pre-soak the final pot, leave it in the tent for a day or two to let it get up to temperature, then plant directly in that about 1/4” - 1/2” down. I plant all my seeds like this directly into their final pots and have had great success with germ rates.
Thanks for replying @Garage_Grower

Do you use rapid rooters / root riots / rootit's? I have researched this do death (probably over-researched) and the general consensus seems to be using the cubes have the highest rate of success but most of the case studies are done with non-autoflowering plants.

I didn't realise that grows would be such a minefield with many different approaches and opinions - i just want to keep it simple but effective.
You will note @Garage_Grower's mention of temperature - IMHO shock your sprouted plants might get from planting the root riots into the final pot will be from temperature, moisture, and/or EC/PPM shocks, not from being stressed about being moved to their new pots. I second the advice to get your final pots warmed up to temp before planting in them, and I would add making sure that the "soil" at least in the top of the final pot is not dramatically hotter than the root riot cubes are. Not sure how you will manage the latter because who knows how hot the cubes are, but you get the idea.

I would also plant the cubes as soon as the seedling looks like it is growing healthily, I would not bother waiting for roots. The purpose of the cubes is germination, and once that is done, I would get them into the final pot. Doing this before the roots are exposed likely reduces the likelihood of stress as well. I would keep the babies under some sort of dome until they develop a few sets of real leaves. The babes need higher humidity initially.

Just my two cents, I haven't used root riots.

I think my next germination will be a soak in water with a bit of kelp extract in it, and moving the sprouted seeds directly into their final pot once I know that they are viable. The final pots will spend a few days in the growdrobe coming to stable temperature ~ 80F before I soak a seed, so I will know that they are ready to go as soon as I see tap roots. The initial water soak is just to avoid wasting a week or more waiting for a seedling to show up. If a seed doesn't develop a tap root in a day or two, I can get a new one soaking right away, and into the final pot without wasting as much time. If I should ever be in possession of lots of seeds, I will just do a few extras, and choose the most vigorous for final planting.

Good luck with your grow. :pighug:
Thanks @Olderfart that is really good of you to reply with so much detail. I will take on board what you have both said and on the back of that adjust what i was planning. I seen domes that come in 3 packs at my local garden centre - they have a venting hole at the top so look perfect for the pots once i have transplanted them and i will make sure the soil/pots are nice and warm.

I did ask Biobizz about pre-soaking the Light mix soil and they said there was no need and that was only really required for more nutrient rich soil - i guess the aim in this scenario is to get the humidity up though?

I love this forum already :)
Very solid advice from @Olderfart! I plant all my autos directly into their final pot, I’ve used root riots for my veggies in the garden, but that’s it. I got these pots all prepped last night, pre-soaked them with a mild feed,and now I’m just letting them warm up for a couple days before I drop some beans in water to soak. I’ll soak them in a shot glass for about 18hrs, then into the pots they go. I put the planters up on totes for the first week or two because it’s abit warmer up there (sitting at 85°f and 75%rh at the pots).

Guess I'm lucky to have grown up in a farming community where we just plant a seed and a few months later, we're eatin' it or wearin' it or smokin' it....we planted cannabis among corn crops and they got what corn got. Nothing special and we grew a bunch of pot. Cuz paid a few years for his distribution efforts.
Anyway, my germ method consists of solo cup of warmed/moistened biobizz light mix...seed planted with dome (I like 1/2" as it is more likely to drag helmet off)...Set on 80 deg heat mat under T5. Most germ in 3 days...older may take up to 5. I germ 3-4 every 3 weeks...simple and has been fool proof for 15 years. Nothing extra has ever changed my germ rates so I just keep it simple.
I am considering just using the natural approach next time - i was maybe a bit hasty getting the cubes. I have bought 2 different strains - 1 strain is a little faster so if the first longer strain doesn't germinate at least i can pop them in and increase my changes of a full grow.
Sounds like a nice simple, effective approach - thanks @automan2
I had been 100% germ rate until I attempted to germ 2 9 yr old seeds...1 popped, 1 didn't .....You get the simple parameters in line, 99.9% effective.