Nutrients Harvest Gold Silica trial test: Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel in a 2-Liter Soda Bottle


The only way out is in.
Cultivators Club
Feb 23, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dinafem, Sweet Seeds, Mephisto, HSO
Yipee. Shipment arrived yesterday. Today I prepped a 2-Liter soda bottle to receive the goods.

Here's the soda bottle being prepared:


I'll be running a side-by-side using two ginger ale 2-liter soda bottles. Canada Dry will be without Harvest Gold Silica. Schweppes will be with. The baseline soil mix is Roots Organics Original with amendments of worm casings, some azomite and some dolomite. Canada Dry got eight cups of this mix. Schweppes got seven cups of mix and 1 cup of Harvest Gold Silica. Then both bottles got 1.5 cups of liquid (ReCharge with a few drops of Mammouth-P) to kick things off. They'll sit overnight and be planted tomorrow (or whenever my second seed sprouts from its starter-cube). :smoking: Cheers to @HarvestGoldSilica
I'm in

Sent from my comfy chair.
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My 2nd seed of Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel popped up from the root-cube last night. So now we can get going in earnest.
Canada Dry is Cream Caramel [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and is four days old. Schweppes is Cream Caramel [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and is now two days old. Remember, [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has the Harvest Gold Silica.

23.2L Bottle plant a.JPG
23.2L Bottle plant c.JPG
23.2L Bottle plant f.JPG
23.2L Bottle plant l.JPG
23.2L Bottle plant i.JPG

Here they are under some humidity covers, sharing the light from a CobShop Auto Cob. I'll watch them closely here, and, once I'm comfortable that they're settled in, then I'll move them to a tent with other Sweet Seeds plants, add in the Jr. Blumat watering spikes, and set up a reservoir. In the future, when I post side-by-side photos, I'll make sure that the photo of [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is two days earlier than the photo of [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] -- that way, you will always see the two together at exactly the same age of growth.

23.2L Bottle plant o.JPG
Well, I'm a bit disappointed with how slow both of my Cream Caramels are going. So there really hasn't been much to see that's worthy of a photo post. But here they are, each at their 10 day old mark. HGS on the left (let's call her Golda). Plain (no silica) on the right (she'll be called Nora). I'm worried that Golda 's genetics might not be on par with Nora. But often you just have to be patient at these early stage.

To date they've gotten only daily misting, except that today, for the first time since planting in the bottles, each got about 200 ml of reverse osmosis water.

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10.CC1 a.JPG
Off to a good start. Be patient. In our R&D facility when we test out various things, we always do it in fours because you just never know if everyone is starting strong. However, if the baby in HGS is weak, HGS will do her thing and turn that gal around, just give her some time.
Off to a good start. Be patient. In our R&D facility when we test out various things, we always do it in fours because you just never know if everyone is starting strong. However, if the baby in HGS is weak, HGS will do her thing and turn that gal around, just give her some time.
Yeh, I agree with the "do it in fours" plan, there's just too much genetic variation when growing from seed -- particularly with AutoFlowers, or so I read. Unfortunately, I didn't have the space/capacity at this time to run more than 2. Maybe in September I can do a batch of four -- if my sample HGS will stretch that far.