Harvesting time vs strain to control high...myth?

Sep 3, 2018
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I can't remember where I read this but I'll try and explain it.

The thing we read all of the time about harvesting to get a certain type of high is:
"harvest with cloudy trichomes to get a head/energetic high, but harvest with lots of amber to get couch lock high".

I read a guy who said that harvesting before 10-15% amber trichomes had appeared was the wrong approach and would only lead to less yield. The proper way to go about it is to control the high (couch vs energetic) via strain - indica vs sativa and to harvest ALL plants when they are fully mature (meaning 10-15% amber).

Have you ever heard this approach?

What are your thoughts?

Is the "harvest early for energetic high" a myth?

I can say that I harvested my NL Auto a bit early and it's a real couch locker.
Funny thing about canna is everyone reacts different. My forgotten cookies had 10% amber and it jacked me up. But the lady could smoke and be out like you flipped a switch. But the part worth waiting for is cloudy trichs. They pack the most punch and if harvested early w/o amber leads to most trichs being clear.
So IMO it's worth the wait to do it right
Would totally agree, if you have a heavy indica strain that is very narcotic it doesn't matter if you harvest it with clear Trichomes it will still give you couch lock but just might not put you to sleep like if you had ambers.
If you want a racy energetic high then go for Sativa's IMO
Would totally agree, if you have a heavy indica strain that is very narcotic it doesn't matter if you harvest it with clear Trichomes it will still give you couch lock but just might not put you to sleep like if you had ambers.
If you want a racy energetic high then go for Sativa's IMO
My gold didn't have 5% amber and would glue me to the bed! Sativa i can smoke all day without crashing.
Kinda goes with the "it's subjective" mindset... But...
I don't like my bud to have less than 25% amber, Because it gets me stuck in my mind. That's a scary place to be.
I chopped my GG4 when it was 5-10% amber, and mannnnnnnn lemme tell you what... I was stuck in my mind, telling myself "It's just the weed. It's just the weed..." While I was contemplating stuff like "They say sitting for 11 hours a day guarantees your death will happen within three years... How come there are truckers and folks in comas still around, then?"
I let the rest of my stuff go until 25%+, and I feel it more in my body, Which I prefer.