World Wide Help build a new pictorial diagnostic Blog

Feel free to use if you want @Mañ'O'Green :thumbsup:
I got some deficiency pics on my current plant I can take now! Not quite as ugly as yesterday tho cuz they turned purple overnight on me! :headbang:
Another example going now unfortunately! :(
Welcome to share any you’d like! :d5:
C’mon guys, your pics are how most of mine look By the time I harvest. :p

I present to you...exhibit A of F’ ups


I’ll concede that it isn’t a deficiency, but I exposed the plant briefly to freezing temperatures and this is the result.
I'll see what I can find. The drive in my laptop went Poof! a while back, I lost a lot of stuff that I thought was backed up.......

I want to build a pictorial diagnostic blog that will be the envy of all Cannabis web sites. Instead of us going there I want them coming here. I need our entire community to help me with this.

I want Your best "Worst" pictures of your deficient, sick or bug infected plants. You know the ones you took but were too embarrassed to post.

Do not offer the problems or solution just the pictures. Do not copy any from the web anywhere and state that AFN has permission to reuse your pictures in your post without it I will not use it. They must be your original pictures for copy right protections.

@Global Moderators @Gladiators @Admin Please spread the word.
I want to build a pictorial diagnostic blog that will be the envy of all Cannabis web sites. Instead of us going there I want them coming here. I need our entire community to help me with this.

I want Your best "Worst" pictures of your deficient, sick or bug infected plants. You know the ones you took but were too embarrassed to post.

Do not offer the problems or solution just the pictures. Do not copy any from the web anywhere and state that AFN has permission to reuse your pictures in your post without it I will not use it. They must be your original pictures for copy right protections.

@Global Moderators @Gladiators @Admin Please spread the word.
Oh I post all got 1 right now this 1 is unhappy no matter wat I do lol but I'm still growing her I will get some others aswell afn has my permission to use these pictures for what they see fit
I want to build a pictorial diagnostic blog that will be the envy of all Cannabis web sites. Instead of us going there I want them coming here. I need our entire community to help me with this.

I want Your best "Worst" pictures of your deficient, sick or bug infected plants. You know the ones you took but were too embarrassed to post.

Do not offer the problems or solution just the pictures. Do not copy any from the web anywhere and state that AFN has permission to reuse your pictures in your post without it I will not use it. They must be your original pictures for copy right protections.

@Global Moderators @Gladiators @Admin Please spread the word.
:help: You've opened a bigger can of worms than you know mate! :rofl:
Pics are easy to find, I've loaded up as many as I felt were helpful for most defc.'s, toxicities, etc.,... In-house is great, some of the ones in the Defc. Pic depot are from here, but some others are rare enough that's difficult to find good examples of them. Very often, it's more than one thing in play, and that can affect the appearance of the symptoms which really muddies the diagnostic waters! Also, as just a cautionary statement, we have no means of actually confirming that the pics we see are in fact what they are, .. glaringly obvious ones we can have some confidence in, but others--- grain of salt with an asterisk! best we can do is paint some broad strokes... That's always been the case though of course, only lab tests can truly confirm things...
I'm down for getting some basic info and such in each nute element/compound category along with the pics - :thumbsup: .... that's just the tip of the 'berg though, as you know, and there's always some symptom manifestations that are atypical and/or overlapping with others, leading to the difficult part of diagnostics-by-remote via pics...
At the core of the diagnostics is cause of the symptoms, and that gets hairy real fast as you again know (cite Mulder's Wheel of Confusion- :rofl:)..
I recently ran across this PDF from Aptus, which has some very good "big picture" info in it, and a less confusing version of the Wheel about nutrient interactions... I didn't include all the text for this, but you'll see when you check it out... here the nute element at the top is the one in excess, below the ones that are affected by it for uptake, etc.,... -->

Making growers aware of the "why" behind a defc/toxicity in a good idea, and the above chart (and others) can help some try to untangle the puzzle, but they are not easy to really apply... It's ALL qualitative, right, not quantitative, since there is not practical means to test and confirm that somebody has, say, too much Ca in their medium and is causing an uptake issue with B or Mg,... All we can do is make educated guesses and deductions,... Point is, the pics and some details may be of some help, or not so much especially for new growers because cause and effect can be hard to pull apart... It's almost always going to come down to some experienced eye-on help! :thumbsup: ...Anyways, I'll grind on this more later, I'm fried right now, been in trim-jail all fucking day ---:deadhorse::haha: