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Weed Wrestling Worldwide
Jul 25, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Mephisto Mystery
Hey all,

I'm Samwell and will start my autoflower journey with the new year. I tried growing photos a few times, but have never managed to get a grow to completion and gave up on trying for a while. I joined AFN a few months back and have just lurked trying to soak up information, but I feel ready to give it a go.

I plan on making a 5 gallon spacebucket with an UFO light over the next few weeks, but ideally would like to have more than one plant at a time and will move into a grow tent eventually.

I haven't made a decision as to what my first auto grow will be, but after looking over my seeds I have narrowed it down between Heavyweight "Fast and Vast", @mephisto "White Train", and @RoyalQueenSeeds "Diesel". Any input on which I should go with would be greatly welcomed.

The seeds will be dropped to ring in 2018, I'll get a grow journal going once I see the beans sprout, and we will go from there!

@epenguin I appreciate you and the crew taking the time to welcome new folk in this forum.
Welcome to the AFN family @Samwell
download (10).jpg
:welcome:Welcome from lurker mode @Samwell I was a lurker once too! :peek:
Feel free to tag me in like this @Need4Weed when you start your journal. Also, pop into live stoners for a chance to win free seeds during the Festivus holiday! :thumbsup:
@Free Flow a space bucket is typically 3-4 stacked 5 gallon buckets that you get from home depot/lowes that usually 1 plant grows in, but I highly recommend googling space buckets and seeing all the variations that people have made over the years.
hi and welcome :pass:i guess you been in the micro section checking out the spacebuckets of Mr. Sparkle.
im not so good at picking,go lucky dip.
good luck.
Yep, I really enjoyed his threads.The home depot arduino controlled bucket is pretty neat. I don't know that I want to replicate that exactly, but it just looks so sleek.