In rememberance memorial day 2013


AFN Infirmary specialist
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Jun 3, 2012
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:pass:Just saying hello to you Nelson my old friend,and to all my family members who are gone but not forgotten.Also to all my fallen comrads in the military who gave there lives defending this country,especially Harry my old high school buddy who died in Vietnam.You are gone but your memories will always be with me.RIP:rip:
Great thread Namvet:smokebuds:... Happy Memorial Day. Thank you for serving our military namvet.:peace: Memories will never die,:group:
Just out for a walk after an early stack
Not looking for trouble, not watching my back
Mothers with prams holding hands with their kids
Not paying attention to the car as it skids
Caught completely off guard not expecting what comes
One man with a knife another with guns
No chance of defence no chance to fight back
Looking for help as the cowards attack
An angel arrives as the light turns to grey
A woman attempts to steer attackers away
My last thought of 'Thank You' never strays from my brain
As my body shuts down and I feel no more pain.

I look to my left and I look to my right
Thousands of squaddies are all that's in sight
Uniforms are crisp and their faces are clean
No sign of anger or hate to be seen
As if by command they salute all as one
The RSM smiles, says 'Welcome home son"

R. I. P Lee Rigby
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Yeah Nelson..
..Sharing one...

Please look after my nephew Christopher.

He passed a year ago.

He was only 25.

His Mammy will never be the same..he was the Love of her Life..a Gift when they thought they couldn't have children.

His Dad is burying it deep and it is Burning his Soul.

I Know he will be Safe with you...:hug:..Watch out for him.
Puttin one in the air for your nephew and Nelson. :bong::group: My main man Knuckles, is up there blazing right along with them
