Mail Order Marijuana

May 1, 2014
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Hi AFN bros ans sis's

I had a supplier from the USA who would send me bud to London via the mail. He has stopped doing it and was wondering if anyone has any experience regarding this or has any links?

Im in London so PM me plz

Happy Toking

Here is my experience....Don't do it!! Not worth the negative implications! One would think you could find something closer to home.
I understand that laws are different in Canada, but his post asked about posting weed from the US which is a Felony on the Federal level here in US! Thats all I was getting at.
That is not BC budmail never have i used them.
Uhmm, it can't possibly be difficult to get quality bud in London... Not to where you would need to violate about 50 laws to get it from 6000 miles away lol. There's tons seed shops with UK addresses, you could order some and grow some :)
Hi AFN bros ans sis's

I had a supplier from the USA who would send me bud to London via the mail. He has stopped doing it and was wondering if anyone has any experience regarding this or has any links?

Im in London so PM me plz

Happy Toking


Hey Zain, this kind of thing falls under our rules against trading on the public forum.

B) No trading/begging of any kind on the public forums.

That means no seeds, no pollen, no clones, no equipment.

There is to be no seed giving or any type distribution on site by members.

Seed giveaways are only allowed from our AFN vendors and with prior approval of our administrators.

Please refrain from these kind of posts in the future. Here's a copy of the Site Terms of Use if you would like to read up on what's permissible and what's not.

Thanks for understanding buds! :tiphat:
Sorry son of hobbes. Didnt read the small print but i have now...thanks buddy