Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Fugue State

Mar 14, 2016
Reaction score
Hello all ,

I was on here a couple years back and completed a grow with lots of help from AFN .

Now I'm back with a new grow and better set up.

I'm growing in a 60×60×140cm tent

100w mars eco +100w led bulb from Amazon

Nutrients are AN 3 part micro , grow , bloom with Cal mag also

My first and last grow was in soil but this time I am growing in a 20litre DWC .

I'm on day 24 today and so far fingers crossed everything is going ok .

Here she is .

Thanks for checking in .
She is in good shape to this point. Lots of luck with the rest of the grow.

Thanks I was worried at first I really jumped in at the deep end growing in DWC but I'm getting the hang of it now , the growth was slow first couple weeks but she has just exploded these last 10 days or so .
Cheers bro and good to see you back having such a beauty!:pass:
Looking good and welcome back. I hear nothing but good things about Fugue State.
I have 3 Mephisto Mystery mixes in my tent right now, one of which I have penciled in as a possible FS.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Looking good and welcome back. I hear nothing but good things about Fugue State.
I have 3 Mephisto Mystery mixes in my tent right now, one of which I have penciled in as a possible FS.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Thanks mate ive heard good things from pretty much all of mephistos strains , good luck with your grow mate
Looks about ready to start some LSTing.

I got a couple of these seeds for free in my last order so I will sub to your grow.

Good luck!

I'm gonna leave her for now let her do her own thing unless she gets too big for the tent , now would be a great time to do its jus awkward without being able to put any holes in the bucket due to light leaks .