Indoor Mephisto's Fantasmo Express x2 & Ripleys OG

May 14, 2016
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Somewhat new grower here, would like to share the results so far here on AFN as it has been my go to resource thus far!

Ive grown under sunlight before and this is my first indoor grow :)
I have always used premium soil but a friend got me hooked on the Coco for indoor growing.

So for my set up:
160x160x200 heavy duty mylar tent (metal frame)

2x 800w BOSSLED
And yes, I know that they are made in China and does not produce the wattage advertised but they are very quiet and also very cheap, so I bought 2.

3x 20L AirPots

2x 50L Bags of Canna pro plus

Pressured water spray bottle

4L Oil extractor
Used to empty oil and other fluids out of cars and other vehicles, but I use it to empty my pot saucers ;)

10L watering can

Small fan

Ph Meter

I have 2x Fantasmo Express and 1x Riples OG from Mephisto

The Fantasmos are 46 days old from sprout and the Ripley is 39 days old.



Great investment. Now I dont have to move my plants around when I water them.


My light setup. I had to get the second light to give them all enough light.


All three together


This Fantasmo stopped growing in height about a week ago and has since produced a lot of flowers.


This Fantasmo was the shorter and smaller one until about a week ago when the other one slowed down in its growth. This one is still shooting up strong though... Hoping for it to slow down soon and produce more flowers.


Ripley is showing the first signs of gender. About 20 white straws coming out at the top of the main stem.

A little bit slow on the flowering.
Any ideas for why this could be?

I have been using the following nutrients throughout the grow:
Canna A&B

Dutch Pro PH down flower (phosphorus acid)

Canna Boost

Canna Rhizotonic

Also got pk13/14 for later on.

I had some issues with Mg deficiency so I went to the pharmacy and bought myself a big bag of some quality Epsom Salt, I added about a tablespoon to the water mix and problem solved.

Apart from that they all seem like very healthy and happy plants.

Please let me know what you think and if you would like me to post more updates on this grow as it progresses

Peace out!
