Old Reviews MHP Masterblend tomato and vegetable fertilizer (yes the YouTube stuff)

Oct 13, 2015
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Those are five or six days later on the photos. I think many people would be pleased with using MHP Masterblend tomato and vegetable formula. You get a twenty five pound bag for about $50 and mix with calcium nitrate and Epsom salt. The ratio is 12 grams calcium nitrate, 12 grams fertilizer, and 6 grams Epsom salt for every 5 gallons water. It is made by Tyler.
Those are three blue diesels by Advanced seeds on the back row. Big easy front right, auto Kaya 47 from Advanced, then sweet soma on the back right. I have a lot of different seeds and strains on hand to experiment with. Life can be good.
Now back to the fertilizer, it is 4-18-38 before mixing with the other two components. 20-18-38 is the final strength after mixing calcium nitrate and Epsom salt in. It is a fully complete formula with secondary and trace nutrients. I use plain tap water with it too. Trust me on this. Southern California has some of the hardest water in America, and it works excellent. It brings my water from a 8 to a 6.5 without adjustment. I usually bring it down to a 5 and let it climb to a 6.5, even 7 before bringing it back down. That way it gets the benefit of the various nutrient absorption levels at different ph ranges. It has worked well for me.
I had been using this mix on an heirloom tomato by the name Black Krim. That tomato plant has produced more tomatoes than a cherry tomato plant often does. Yet, these are full sized fruits. The foliage grows thick like an afro. I sometimes do not see the fruit under all the leaves. I had been using General Hydroponics Maxi series with CaliMagic. When I had about 50-100 tomatoes (at various stages) on the one plant, it lost about a quarter to blossom end rot. It also dropped all its flowers. That is caused by a shortage of calcium or under-watering. It was certainly not under-watered. So that is when I started doing research, and found this stuff. There is a guy on YouTube that explains it in great detail. MHP mastergardener is the guy. He has a whole channel of chemical and organic gardening. He does not work for the Tyler corporation either. Evey since I started using this stuff, that plant has put every plant I have ever seen to shame. Parts of vines that had gotten leggy, are now bristling with growth. I had to start using this elixir on herbs.
This stuff is doing an excellent job early on. I have a feeling this will be perfect for autos. It has high amounts of calcium and magnesium. The calcium nitrate I use is %19 calcium. The way it makes a plant grow, flower, and fruit heavy all at once is what you want an auto to do. It also works in pure hydro and soil equally. My tomatoes are in soil and my herbs are deep water culture. I will be adding a very little bloom booster later, but that is it. This is the easiest and best fertilizer I have every used. It would be perfect for someone who feels intimidated by hydro. While I will later add bloom booster, I doubt it is needed.
I am looking forward to sharing this one.
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I bet you are right. I also use tomato and veg fertilizer for my plants and they Seem to grow just as well as most other plants i see on the net.

Thank you GoeRilla. It is all the same stuff. Plants do not care where it comes from or what picture is on the bottle.

Putting on speed at a break neck pace. Added some liquid Koolbloom on this reservoir change.
Hey this is great! how was the harvest? please post pics of your flower stage and post harvest bud, if you have any :D i just started my first indoor with the masterblend nutes, and so far so good.
I also have been using the Masterblend Fertilizer 20-18-38 how have you found it ..for me there loving it
Hiya Morbid Dew, They did pretty darn well, very impressed this stuff is dirt cheap compared to all the over hyped name brand nutes.... I just wish i had trained and OR done a proper scrog for better results - but otherwise not too shabby for my first indoor i suppose, i'll share some pics in a bit, just need to upload from my phone.

here are some pics i took, they're not in any particular order of some are veg and flower stages :)


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