My first grow in coco

May 27, 2021
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Hello everyone
I’m very new to growing and was just looking for some tips really
She was planted March 22nd 2021,she’s a California kush( supposed to be an auto).
I’ve been following the canna grow chart all the way and have done some lst,I was expecting her to be done by now,but I waited 8 weeks for her to flower but nothing,it was then I realised she wasn’t an auto,the problem now is she’s getting very big,this is her 3rd week of flower,I’m hoping she doesn’t go much bigger
Any help would be greatly appreciated

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@Cornishkush :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Sometimes Autos just are not! :crying: That is not big! :crying: This is big:


Hardest thing for a new grower to do emotionally and physically is to super crop a plant to keep it out of the lights. The problem is many new growers as well as all of us end up in that situation indoors sooner or later. Have some grafting PARAFFIN TAPE on hand just in case. 6" lower than you think you should, roll the stem crushing the inside 3 x the diameter of the stem in length between your forefinger and your thumb, then bend the branch over at that pinch. Bend to 90° from the stem or horizontal to the light. If you did not get a good enough interior crush the stem can break usually just on the top. If this happens just wrap with the grafting tape and all will be well. You may need to tie down the bent over top as many branches just lift themselves right back up. A great lesson to teach yourself on your first harvest or any harvest for that matter is to practice super cropping on branches you have harvested. You will get a good feel for what it is to crush and bend without the dread of "Killing a Cola".

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@Cornishkush :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Sometimes Autos just are not! :crying: That is not big! :crying: This is big:

View attachment 1327704

Hardest thing for a new grower to do emotionally and physically is to super crop a plant to keep it out of the lights. The problem is many new growers as well as all of us end up in that situation indoors sooner or later. Have some grafting PARAFFIN TAPE on hand just in case. 6" lower than you think you should, roll the stem crushing the inside 3 x the diameter of the stem in length between your forefinger and your thumb, then bend the branch over at that pinch. Bend to 90° from the stem or horizontal to the light. If you did not get a good enough interior crush the stem can break usually just on the top. If this happens just wrap with the grafting tape and all will be well. You may need to tie down the bent over top as many branches just lift themselves right back up. A great lesson to teach yourself on your first harvest or any harvest for that matter is to practice super cropping on branches you have harvested. You will get a good feel for what it is to crush and bend without the dread of "Killing a Cola".

Thanks for taking the time to reply,they certainly are big,massive in fact,I’d love to grow one that size but I live in a one bedroom flat and space is a premium
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Thanks for taking the time to reply,they certainly are big,massive in fact,I’d love to grow one that size but I live in a one bedroom flat and space is a premium
There are a lot of techniques to keep plants small but you need to start with genetics. Lights that are strong in blue during veg will help a lot to keep plants small.
