Mystery Bugs In Runoff

:smokeout: ayuh! them is springtails Spanglish (good call Medgrower!),.. decaying material feeders, part of the "recycling" team,.. they can build up into plague-like population numbers, but are otherwise harmless... you can always poke at a live one, and see if it jumps away.. happens so fast, it's like it teleported! :poof: ... easy to kill too, if you need to knock the population down, most anything will work,.. be sure to add some wetting agent to the solution, which will overcome their natural water repellancy,... :cheers:

Dang you are good in this @Waira
:smoking: makes sense to me mate, undisturbed populations can stay "local" and grow quite large,... apparently you make some delish' detritus my friend! :crying:... I'm geussing there are literally thousands of species in their family, so diverse variations would be likely,.. same with thrips! Some grow pretty big, atypical in appearance and color,... :eek1: :haha:

Makes sense to me now, as most things seem to when you lay them out. Maybe a good side is i am rocking a nice healthy active organic soil then with all those mycos and other bacterial goodies, well a good shot of trying to get a plus out of the fact the appeared lol
I'll try and get you a nice pic of a similar species....I've seen a few of these guys about and find them quite fascinating.

If you're growing in soil they should be turning dead plant matter into plant food. Like micro worms lol:smoking:
:smoker1: Thanks Medgrower,... nahhh, just the nerdy biologist I am naturally! :rofl:

... Indeed Spanglish! :eyebrows: A fine start to your niche market, the Invertebrate Organic Detritus Cafe,... :nono: :haha:

.. :toke:- Kush', what's up?