NEEM oil DANGER !! Cannabis growers be aware!

May 16, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Zkittlez, Phantom OG
I wish to post this as strongly as I can. Even though I am a newbie grower (for Marijuana) I am not new to agriculture. Grew up with agriculture most of my life and this situation bears mention. Cannabis plants have the uncanny ability to uptake any sorts of toxins that may be in the soil, including the chemical from Neem called Azadirachtin. " When used as a pesticide on cannabis plants or their soil, Neem oil results in the uptake of Azadirachtin in cannabis as it is a phytoremediator, essentially meaning it cleans toxins from the soil. Vegetative growth of cannabis will uptake heavy metal and other toxins such as Azadirachtin, using this uptake to help produce resin in its flowers. Resulting products made with said cannabis, whether dried bud or any extract, remains contaminated." from this web link:

Now it's serious enough that the anti marijuana group are saying that long term daily use (20+days) will cause a condition called Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome, which doesn't exist in real life. It was so bad in Colorado that their emergency rooms were getting many marijuana consumers in there with conditions of vomiting, nausea, and some even had their gall bladder removed since they thought it was blockage in the gall bladder. The "anti's" warned of long term cannabis use, and this same CHS condition is exactly what happens to one with NEEM oil poisoning.

So I caution you all about using NEEM oil for any "ogranic" pest control. You research and decide, but as for me and my family we are NOT going anywhere near our plants with the Azadirachtin form Neem. SO bad that even if clones of a photoperiod mother plant are taken, it's still in the clones and their clones and then their clones. It takes a few generations to get rid of NEEM oil amounts in cloned plants is what I am saying. Not good.
Another link about NEEM:
I have used neem oil for over 2 years with no ill effects. I'm betting that this is false and the issues they are having is with actual pesticides. Neem is used in a variety of everyday things like soap toothpaste and more. Not only that but it's used in organic gardening of tomatoes which are just like a canna plant in many ways. Loads of scary info on internet if you look for it.
When done properly, very little azadirachtin ends up in the food, because most plants can't take it up through their roots.
There are many garden vegetables that neem oil will work wonders on. I don't intend on smoking a tomato though, just the bud of marijuana.
Cannabis is one of the best phytoremediators known - when grown in contaminated soil, it "cleans" the soil by uptaking heavy metals and other toxins. So it DOES uptake azadirachtin, especially during vegetative stage, then deposits it with resins into the flowers, which may be dried for smoking or made into concentrates.

I said above, you all decide. It's up to you and your loved ones. As for me and my family we will grow from seed Autoflower marijuana, and will keep neem for other things, not cannabis that is a phytoremediator.
I'm afraid you are incorrect, Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome is a very real condition cause by the overuse of cannabis.

Azadirachtin is a perfectly safe organic pesticide.

You're going to have to give me some more convincing links than a couple of stoner news sites.
I'm afraid you are incorrect, Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome is a very real condition cause by the overuse of cannabis.

Azadirachtin is a perfectly safe organic pesticide.

You're going to have to give me some more convincing links than a couple of stoner news sites.
After reading through this I call bs on CHS, they talk about it making people take hot baths and all kinds of crazy stuff. I've smoked since 9 years old with only breaks being taken while I awaited the reup. 33 years old now and not once have I had any reaction like that. Sounds more like the synthetic spices they had running around in the 7/11 stores.
Intersting, but I want to see science to support this. Honestly, the sources you site are not ones I'd consider reliable. I'll say this may potentially be true, however it flies in the face of the fact that in India, Neem byproducts are used for many things, including in toothpaste, and I believe they even eat it. Based on this, it would lead me to believe they are consuming much, much larger quantities of this compound than you'd ever get from smoking/vaping. Thus my saying lets see some science. You open a good inquiry though!

I wish to post this as strongly as I can. Even though I am a newbie grower (for Marijuana) I am not new to agriculture. Grew up with agriculture most of my life and this situation bears mention. Cannabis plants have the uncanny ability to uptake any sorts of toxins that may be in the soil, including the chemical from Neem called Azadirachtin. " When used as a pesticide on cannabis plants or their soil, Neem oil results in the uptake of Azadirachtin in cannabis as it is a phytoremediator, essentially meaning it cleans toxins from the soil. Vegetative growth of cannabis will uptake heavy metal and other toxins such as Azadirachtin, using this uptake to help produce resin in its flowers. Resulting products made with said cannabis, whether dried bud or any extract, remains contaminated." from this web link:

Now it's serious enough that the anti marijuana group are saying that long term daily use (20+days) will cause a condition called Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome, which doesn't exist in real life. It was so bad in Colorado that their emergency rooms were getting many marijuana consumers in there with conditions of vomiting, nausea, and some even had their gall bladder removed since they thought it was blockage in the gall bladder. The "anti's" warned of long term cannabis use, and this same CHS condition is exactly what happens to one with NEEM oil poisoning.

So I caution you all about using NEEM oil for any "ogranic" pest control. You research and decide, but as for me and my family we are NOT going anywhere near our plants with the Azadirachtin form Neem. SO bad that even if clones of a photoperiod mother plant are taken, it's still in the clones and their clones and then their clones. It takes a few generations to get rid of NEEM oil amounts in cloned plants is what I am saying. Not good.
Another link about NEEM:
Hello, my first post on AFN. i use to spend countless hours on this site, way back in my younger day. This was at a time in life that i was apparently better off "listening more and speaking less", according to my folks.

Im intrigued by this topic, i would think that when a compound is consumed orally and metabolized through the digestive track, the way it behaves, cannot be compared to that same compound being transferred into the bloodstream via capillaries.

When we breath in Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons( smoke from cannabis) we are in fact breathing a known carcinogen into our bodies. Cannabis is not statistically correlated with lung cancer or COPD as far as i know, ( likely due to the strong anti inflammatory properties of cannabis phytocannabinoids and terpenes. The fact remains that smoke is not good for our bodies and the worlds leading experts in this field suggest lower temperature vaporizing of solvent free extracts may be the safest way to ingest cannabis outside of edible options.