Nov 21, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Mephisto Toof Decay
hello. This is my first post here. Currently growing under HPS but was struggling with heat this summer so I’ve decided to upgrade the lights to LEDs. The GN telos 8s look to be doing some nice results. Can anyone tell me the footprint the 0008 has compared to a normal 600w hps parabolic? Also am I able to connect them together daisy chain? Thanks
hello. This is my first post here. Currently growing under HPS but was struggling with heat this summer so I’ve decided to upgrade the lights to LEDs. The GN telos 8s look to be doing some nice results. Can anyone tell me the footprint the 0008 has compared to a normal 600w hps parabolic? Also am I able to connect them together daisy chain? Thanks
hey cheese man as far as i know the footprint is 90 x 90cm mine is in a 1mx1m tent and does a good job but i do know that there is a telos 010 coming out nxt year bigger foot print if thats what your after i do beleave that they can be daisy chained but @GrowNorthern can answer thse a bit bettr than me good luck with whatever you choose
Thanks for the reply Stoney. In your opinion are they comparable to HPS? I’ve been doing a lot of research into LEDs but there seems to be a lot of marketing hype around them. What type of HPS would one Telos 0008 compare to? Thanks bud
Thanks for the reply Stoney. In your opinion are they comparable to HPS? I’ve been doing a lot of research into LEDs but there seems to be a lot of marketing hype around them. What type of HPS would one Telos 0008 compare to? Thanks bud
What I hear from other people here, it would compare to 400W HPS at least
Back in the days I used to grow with 400w HPS and I got to say Telos 0008 feels the same as 400w HPS to me with just a difference that it doesn't heat up the room. Sure they give higher lumen ratings for many HPS bulbs than Telos 0008 technical documents states but trick is there that you can run Telos much closer to your plants than HPS without the IR heat messing up your leaves.

I'd say Telos 0008 compares to 400w HPS but still blows it out of the water with its versatility with other parameters important to quality growing and efficiency with the electricity
I'm still kind of sceptik or non beliver.. nhf but tangs grows are the last person by who you can judge the light, he would grow trees with candles, whats the coverage? how man autos can I put inder to have good grow/harvest? what is reccomended hight over the cannopy?
I use a telos 008 and it came highly recommended from one or two experienced grower. Telos 008 will easy do 3/4 plants in a 1.2 by 1.2 tent check out GardenOfAutos on IG for some good results.
As for hight over canopy all that info can be found on their website.. But for seedlings you should start at around 100cm drop to about 80cm after couple weeks and then go from there as the girls mature.

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Long time no see :) Hello Again. Can some help to setup a small home grow. Every help is appreciated!

The plan is to grow 2 plants, and start another 2 plants 40-45 days later.

Quick-Qube: QQ1224L – 1.2m x 2.4m x 2.2m

+ Telos 10 Pro and second Telos 10 Pro in the future

Who can help with grow tent ventilation. The only requirement is to be super-silent.

Mk2 SMSCom Hybrid Pro Fan Speed Controller

SMSCom Hybrid Pro Fan Speed Controller Mk2 4A - 16A

+ oversized Acoustic MDF Box Fans

+ Rhino Carbon Filters

Feel free to add more stuff that I would need! :)