No pollen yet - howcum?

@Olderfart , just scanned through this thread, didn't see where you mention what strain it is you are making pollen with? That beautiful picture in the first post has me curious.
@Olderfart , just scanned through this thread, didn't see where you mention what strain it is you are making pollen with? That beautiful picture in the first post has me curious.
It is dinamed kush cbd auto. It seems to go deep purple every time.
Any updates?
I ground the dry balls and sifted them this afternoon. If I got any pollen, it was not much. Jury will be out until I see seeds or not. At this point, it seems possible that my CS reversal did not work. The remainder of the plant has lots of balls opening, but no visible pollen. We shall see.
I ground the dry balls and sifted them this afternoon. If I got any pollen, it was not much. Jury will be out until I see seeds or not. At this point, it seems possible that my CS reversal did not work. The remainder of the plant has lots of balls opening, but no visible pollen. We shall see.

Darn. Maybe its one of the rare ones that doesn't like to make pollen. Fingers crossed. I got so little pollen as well. Hoping to save just enough for one more cross.

You did crush the banana's right? That is where most of the pollen is. Inside of the bananas.
Sorry if i didnt make that clear before.
Darn. Maybe its one of the rare ones that doesn't like to make pollen. Fingers crossed. I got so little pollen as well. Hoping to save just enough for one more cross.

You did crush the banana's right? That is where most of the pollen is. Inside of the bananas.
Sorry if i didnt make that clear before.

I put the whole flower cluster through my bud grinder and then screened the results. I ground it up pretty fine, so there would not have been many bananas left intact, but they may not have been crushed as you describe.

We'll see. I had a look with my Carson 120x microscope, and there might be pollen grains in there. The sift looks like mostly plant debris to me, but there are round bits that could be pollen. Impossible to say for sure with the microscope I have.

I will apply what I have, and see if I get seeds. Right now, the mom plant has just shown sex in the last few days, so it will be a few weeks yet before I get out the brush. I am keeping the grind from the first cola as well as the sift. Presumably there is still pollen in it. I think part of the problem is that pollen is so light that getting it to separate and go through the screen is painfully slow. Too much theory and not enough solid information at this point. :pop:
I put the whole flower cluster through my bud grinder and then screened the results. I ground it up pretty fine, so there would not have been many bananas left intact, but they may not have been crushed as you describe.

We'll see. I had a look with my Carson 120x microscope, and there might be pollen grains in there. The sift looks like mostly plant debris to me, but there are round bits that could be pollen. Impossible to say for sure with the microscope I have.

I will apply what I have, and see if I get seeds. Right now, the mom plant has just shown sex in the last few days, so it will be a few weeks yet before I get out the brush. I am keeping the grind from the first cola as well as the sift. Presumably there is still pollen in it. I think part of the problem is that pollen is so light that getting it to separate and go through the screen is painfully slow. Too much theory and not enough solid information at this point. :pop:

bummer. well here's to being hopeful.
I am kind of annoyed how little pollen i got as well. Some plants just dont make much, or any I guess.
I can see why people like to cut it with flour, because you get so little.
We'll see. I had a look with my Carson 120x microscope, and there might be pollen grains in there. The sift looks like mostly plant debris to me, but there are round bits that could be pollen. Impossible to say for sure with the microscope I have.
I have a Carson 250x, I'm not sure if you have looked at pollen through you scope before but I have and I noticed as you look at it through the scope the color does not appear yellow.
The pollen will look like little granules of sugar.
so if you saw any thing that looked like that keep faith!!
best of luck!
I have a Carson 250x, I'm not sure if you have looked at pollen through you scope before but I have and I noticed as you look at it through the scope the color does not appear yellow.
The pollen will look like little granules of sugar.
so if you saw any thing that looked like that keep faith!!
best of luck!
not grains of sugar, just particles big enough to see the round shape. Other imagery confirms that cannabis pollen is spherical, so I am hopeful that the round bits I see are pollen. Unfortunately, the clarity and magnification of the carson I have are not good enough to see the round bits closely enough to be sure. If I could get my mitts on a better microscope, I would likely be able to tell for sure.
source: Small2003JIH.pdf (


D = Dried Pollen
Other imagery confirms that cannabis pollen is spherical, so I am hopeful that the round bits I see are pollen.
Just now I removed some of my pollen and put it on black bristol board.
Here are some pics of my viable pollen under the microscope @ 100x my friend!
hope this helps you to compare!
