Nutrition+Water pH & ppm questions.

One misconception folks have about municipal water…. They may have excellent test results from their water sample test sites,
and post it on the website! Super! But the problem is that we as customers are probably not always receiving our water near these test
sites, we are on the other side of the distribution system . The distribution system is actually the heart of the municipal water system and needs regular maintenance. Pipes need to be flushed periodically to prevent biofilms, sediment, rust, taste and odor problems from stagnant water at the end of a court, or at the end of a pipeline. Water quality flushing is essential, and with the required velocity! That means A LOT of water being u$ed, $$, manpower $$$, get my drift here? Then there is Mother Nature…..less rainfall= less water, because of a drought, and it co$t more! Municipal governments have had to restructure their budgets, and maintenance gets moved down on the priority list. To get around the bad water quality, they are sometimes having to use more than normal amounts of Chlorine, Chloramines to meet the water quality standards. It’s cheaper. Ever notice that it smells stronger from day to day? Some of us are happy with our municipal water for our purposes … irrigation….showers….,toilets…..and so on …….some of us spend a lot of money and TIME trying to get rid of this stuff before we give it to our girls….
Just my 2 cents worth
Welcome to the site.... :welcome:......glad your starting off with the right mindset, it's all a learning experience.....there's a few of us that are trying different things in order to simplify our operations BioTabs, Grow Dots etc.......currently I'm doing off the Home Depot shelf Osmocote in used soil and just straight from the tap (well water) watering......and will continue to do it till it goes way south :rofl:just as an experiment. Am begining to just notice some deficiency issues creeping in on day 57 so it might be a viable option for some growers. At this point I won't recommend it at all ( still love my Mega Crop ) but my experiences could save someone else from trying it or give them the inclination to try it..
edit: and if your feeling chatty Live Stoner Chat is where a bunch of us hang out most times of the day just shooting the breeze.
Ahhhhh Bill.. OK, Osomocte in your used soil…. and do you do any pH or ppm measurements/adjustments with your water? Feedings?
Yes it’s great information here on the site! I’m very impressed with what folks are doing, and like to follow, and see how I can improve.
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Ahhhhh Bill.. OK, Osomocte in your used soil…. and do you do any pH or ppm measurements/adjustments with your water? Feedings?
Yes it’s great information here on the site! I’m very impressed with what folks are doing, and like to follow, and see how I can improve.
Have not so far, just been filling gallon jug from the tap and pouring it straight in the res.
My "Hobo-grow" continues..I think they are in the 3-4th week of flowering? So much I’ve learned from these girls! When to water, when to wait. Compost tea brewing, nute feedings, pH and ppm values. For the most part they do their own thang, it’s amazing to see what they’ve been through, extreme heat , now the cold weather is on the way….. will be interesting to see how they respond! I’ve always tried to be stingy with watering, and no more than 1/2 the nutes (550 ppm was the max) amounts. This was supposed to be a small outdoor gorilla project but, during this summer they would have never survived, so here the 5 plants sit in only about 2.5 liters of soil! I guess I’m somewhat of a Foster-failure parent of these girls! Proud nevertheless