Dinafem Remo Chemo (photo) & Blue Amnesia XXL (auto)

The Dalai Farmer

The Mugwamp has left the building.
Cultivators Club
Nov 8, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Quick Flowering THC, Future #1, Bruce Lemon Diesel, Brainstorm, Super Mad Sky Floater, Remo Chemo.
Hi all and welcome
Firstly I'd like to say a huge thankyou to @Dinafem-Mark for supplying the seeds :thumbsup:
I shall be growing 1 Remo Chemo and 1 Blue Amnesia xxl, if all goes to plan that is :bow: This will be my first proper Dinafem grow, I did grow the Auto Cookies for the Solo Cup Comp, with ok results, but this will be my first in a more man sized pot :rofl:
Kit List

Mars Hydro TSW 2000
80cm x 80cm x 160cm
Extractor & Filter
4in Swiftair Filter & 5in cheap crappy Inline extractor
2 x 6in Oscillating Monkey Fans
Pots & Grow Medium
12l Root Nurse Fabric Pots with Canna Coco/Pebble mix 60/40
GHE Flora Micro, Grow & Bloom, Vitalink Cal/Mag & Ph Down and Tap Water.
Week 1
For germing I used the wet paper towel method, firstly I wet a paper towel and lightly wrung out, then placed seeds on and folded over a couple of times, then in a ziploc bag and left in boiler cupboard.
Next day they both had a little tail, so I planted them in solo cups with Coco/Perlite, (as I was going to do the grow in that before I got the Coco/Pebble mix), within 2 days they had both popped up, though the RC arrived quite a few hours later :thumbsup:
Remo Day 1

Blue Day 2

Blue Day 7

Remo Day 6

I'm gonna give them a couple of weeks in the solo cups, then transfer them both to 12l pots and probably top em soon as they've recovered :toke: That's about it for now, stay safe everyone :hookah:
Week 2
So far everything is looking ok :thumbsup: I transferred them both to they're new homes yesterday, Blue day 12 and Remo day 11 and we'll see how they do over the next few days :bow:
I had started them both on a nute feed at day 3 of, GHE Flora Micro 0.6ml/l, Grow 0.9ml/l, Bloom 0.3ml/l and Vitalink Cal/Mag 1.2ml/l ph'd to around 6 ish, I also bought some MULTI MITE® Organic Liquid Seaweed Concentrate and I've gave them a shower in that a couple of times at lights off, I wasn't sure of how much to give so I started at around 3ml/l and I'll gradually up it over the next few weeks and see if that helps any :shrug: At the moment I have the light as high as it will go, mainly because I adopted one of my son in laws plants as it got too big for his tent, but also I was hoping to get them to stretch a little anyway. I couldn't decide on a 20/4 or an 18/6 light cycle, so I put them on a 19/5 :crying: This is also my first grow using the Mars TSW 2000 and first time using the Coco/Pebble mix :yoinks: but so far so good.
Blue Day 12

Remo Day 11


Till the next time, Stay Safe everyone, if that's possible anymore :shrug: ttfn :pass:
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Quick update
Both girls are looking healthy and growing nicely after they're transplant to the big boy pots :crying: I fed them to run off a day after transplant and I'll let them dry out a little before I give em another feed in a day or so :thumbsup:
Blue looks to be staying quite short and stocky and is looking a more uniform shape.
Blue Amnesia xxl
Day 15

Remo on the other hand, she's looking a little funkier :shrug: taller and a tad wider, but still a node behind Blue and for the last few days she's spent most of the time praying :bow:
Remo Chemo (photo)
Day 14

I'll update again in a few days, probably when I top them :toke: Till then, take care everyone it's a shitty world out there :hookah:
Week 3
Topped both the girl's today above the 4th node :yoinks:

After and a few hours later :pop:

Blue Day 18
She seems to of taken the topping in her stride, already the 2 new top shoots have grown above the cut line :woohoo1: really looking healthy and a nice colour, sort of a petroly look with the different shades of green :thumbsup:

Remo Day 17
She's definitely a weird looking mama :haha: she has what I can only describe as, leaves like a cabbage :rofl: I've not had one look like this before, big old leaves but not very serrated, almost rounded :shrug: and she's still doing a fair bit of praying, mornings she's usually ok, but further into the day the leaves start pointing up :nono: as I say I'm unfamiliar with anything like it before, so is this normal @Dinafem-Mark and is there anything I should do to remedy it? She's looking healthy enough so I'm not too worried, but better safe than sorry :toke:

Till next time :hookah:
Week 3
Topped both the girl's today above the 4th node :yoinks:
Before View attachment 1173914View attachment 1173913
After and a few hours later :pop:

Blue Day 18
She seems to of taken the topping in her stride, already the 2 new top shoots have grown above the cut line :woohoo1: really looking healthy and a nice colour, sort of a petroly look with the different shades of green :thumbsup:
View attachment 1173917View attachment 1173915View attachment 1173919
Remo Day 17
She's definitely a weird looking mama :haha: she has what I can only describe as, leaves like a cabbage :rofl: I've not had one look like this before, big old leaves but not very serrated, almost rounded :shrug: and she's still doing a fair bit of praying, mornings she's usually ok, but further into the day the leaves start pointing up :nono: as I say I'm unfamiliar with anything like it before, so is this normal @Dinafem-Mark and is there anything I should do to remedy it? She's looking healthy enough so I'm not too worried, but better safe than sorry :toke:
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Till next time :hookah:

Off with their heads :jump:

Nice job on the topping and both plants are clearly loving life :pass:

Please keep the updates coming :cheers:

All the best :bong:

Week 4
Remo is still being a pain, the fan leaves on her are absolutely massive now and I think stopping most of the light getting to the new shoots. I assume she's not getting enough light, because the shoots haven't grown anywhere near the length as they have on Blue :shrug: So I think I'm going to have to remove the top two fans tomorrow and see if that helps any :bow: I'm only going to be veggin her for a month anyway, so the more growth the better, as long as she doesn't get too tall that is, as I have to put her in a dark cupboard for her 12 hrs of dark, when the time comes, and its not a very tall cupboard :rofl:
Remo Chemo Day 22

As for Blue, I think she at least read the memo and is looking pretty normal, I managed to get all 8 heads to around the same height and a nice uniform shape, with a little leaf tucking, and so far she's looking pretty good :thumbsup:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 23

I'm watering to run off every 2 or 3 days, still on the same strength feed and I'm giving them a good shower with the Seaweed every few days too :toke:

Well onwards and upwards, till next time :hookah:
Week 4
Just a quick update
I removed the top and bottom set of fan leaves on Remo today, as they were far too big and blocking out so much light and I tied down, as best I could, most of the shoots just to open and spread her out, hopefully that helps as at the moment she's not enjoying life as much as Blue and is looking a little worse for wear :nono: also Blue has really stretched the last few days and is twice the size of Remo now :shrug:
Remo Day 25 & Blue Day 26

and Blue's started flashing her lady bits :dancer:

I'll update again in a few days and hopefully by then, Remo will be looking a bit happier :bow: ttfn :pass:
Week 4
Just a quick update
I removed the top and bottom set of fan leaves on Remo today, as they were far too big and blocking out so much light and I tied down, as best I could, most of the shoots just to open and spread her out, hopefully that helps as at the moment she's not enjoying life as much as Blue and is looking a little worse for wear :nono: also Blue has really stretched the last few days and is twice the size of Remo now :shrug:
Remo Day 25 & Blue Day 26
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and Blue's started flashing her lady bits :dancer:View attachment 1176659
I'll update again in a few days and hopefully by then, Remo will be looking a bit happier :bow: ttfn :pass:

I think you've made the right call with the light defoliation :thumbsup:

The energy those big fan leave were using can now be better used by the remaining plant :pass:

That Blue Amnesia XXL is showing some crazy vigour :thumbsup:

Can't wait to see her in full flower mode :pass:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

12/12 Started
I think you've made the right call with the light defoliation :thumbsup:

The energy those big fan leave were using can now be better used by the remaining plant :pass:

That Blue Amnesia XXL is showing some crazy vigour :thumbsup:

Can't wait to see her in full flower mode :pass:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Yes mate your right the Blue Amnesia looks to be living up to the XXL status :thumbsup: I only wish I could say the same about the Remo, I tried to open her up a bit by tying down most of the branches, but I couldn't get her as shapely as I'd like, not within 4 weeks anyway :shrug: So I've done a bit of experimenting with her, mainly by removing most of her lower leaves and just leaving the top sets :yoinks: I'm hoping she'll just put her energy into building the top colas, whether it works or not we shall see in around 10 weeks or so :bow: also I started her on a 12/12 light cycle a couple of days ago, day 28.
Remo Day 30 & Blue Day 31

What will be, will be :crying: take care mate :pass: