New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
Great thread, really clear and concise. I'm subbed.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Wellslide that recliner other brother gonna sit right next to ya. I'm creating a couple grow guides for some noob brothers of soil, and@Ash-a-Ton guide tutorial here is my grade A teacher for my writing's, his words copied down will make great gifts for them.
Thanks for taking the time to do this Ash. I’ll be following along taking notes. I believe I’ll be starting a new grow in a few weeks. Current grow should be done in a few weeks! Then going to get right back at it. I’m looking forward to the next one as I’ll be running Mephisto’s new Fugue State which is a Sativa dominant strain and I love me some Sativa! Lol. Thanks again. I’m going to plant my ass next to the chalkboard!
Well hello class.

Welcome back.

Today we will discuss the changes that happened and what all happened in 7 days from planting. (Not much lol)

I do believe I forgot to mention why all the holes in the 5 gallon bucket. That is for better air flow to the soil. Now with so many. You will notice it dries a bit faster. Which is fine. Oxygen is very very important.

Now back to the topic.
So we now have 2 baby sprouts. One came up about 30 hours ago. The other I had to excavate a little to find and expose it.
So let's start with the seed that gave me a bit of a fuss and what I did to correct.

So when the other one sprouted I gave this one another day before I went looking.
Since it did not mound up or anything where I put the bean. I used my mister with the stream instead of the mist.
Used that to slowly gently excavate the plant site.
At first I thought the soil ate the bean. Which can and has happened to me.
But went a tad further and found a tail.
From there I just left a small piece of the shell exposed on the top for the light to hit. Since it was already tap rooted in. And 12 hours later it she'd the shell and opened right up.

Now I do not have an answer as to why the seed sank to 4 inches deep. I suppose the watering made it sink? Idk.
The important part is how you go looking for it and when. After day 4 is usually when I try to find the seed if not sprouted.
And always use the mister before finger digging. You don't want to damage the sprouts if they are there. Very fragile. Which is a good part of why I don't like towel germing seeds. Just a preference.
I didn't have my phone on me during the seed excavation so I do apologise for no pics of that process. But here are the babies.
The more advanced one is the one that sprouted 1st. (Orange diesel)
the freshly opened sprout is just a few hours above soil. (turbo bud)
So up to this point I have only misted the area of planting and now miting the sprouts. Now the soil is fairly on the dry side which is fine. Because the tap root didn't need much.

So it's time for the first watering. And a run down on when and how to water.

Typically I like to let the plants ask me for a drink. But the girls are far from able to talk yet. So we need to tend to the babies.
It is important to let the top inch ish of soil to become dry to touch. Helps keep the bugs out of your pots and helps gauge when to water.

Lifting up your pots when dry and wet also gives you an idea of when to water. And very useful trick when you have a bush covering the soil and you can't see it.
For now. We keep it simple. The finger test will always work. Anywhere in the top of the pot. Besides right next to the babies. Put ur finger into the soil and if you can make it passed your 2nd knuckle and it's dry. Time for a drink.

We will not be using any nutrients of any sort of this first watering. Just our 6.5 water

We want to water in a circle around the plant. Creating what we're going to call a drip line.
We start our water circle about 3 to 4 inches away from our babies.
We do this for a few reasons. Mainly this is the first time we make our plants work. So we want them to make the roots expand to seek water. So we move it away from directly on the tap root and they will quickly send roots to find the water.

Now when they get a bit bigger, the term drip line will make more sense. The plant will have a canopy like a tree outside. When it rains on a tree. The water does not go to the trunk. It drips at the canopy line around the tree. Which is typically where the root tips are. Also where they absorb water from.
The roots do a great job of moving water around like wicks. They will absolutely pull water upwards to get some water to other places.

Now since my pots are pretty dry right now. I'm going to give them a good watering but not heavy. Just want the drip line nice and moist.
starting about 3 inches from the babies all the way out to the rim.

Sprayer is not needed. But get one. You will love it.
Mine is a 2 gal and I gave each girl a gallon. When the top dries to about an inch down I will repeat.
Expanding the drip line as the plants grow.

We don't need to water until run off this time. But a very slight run off will be just fine. Goal here is just to get the soil nice and welcoming so the roots expand to it.
Maybe one or two more times before we are ready to start a light feed. And move into the veg phase where all the fun starts.
Now that we have some foliage. Lighting is important. Most important is light intensity and height. The babies do not need or want a ton of light. You can fry them very easily.

Start the lights off higher than manufacturer recommendation. If they ask 24 inches in seedling/veg start with 30 inches to be safe. If you see a bit of stretch you know it's safe to lower a few inches. When you find the sweet spot. That's where you want your lights to be for the remainder of veg pretty much. That distance. Weather it be 18 inches or 32. Listen to your plants.

Stretching = not enough light or too far.
Leaf curls towards light means too intense.
Typically anyway. Other issues can cause curling and such. But much easier to correct stretching than to fix light burns.

Eventually when the plants get a bit bigger they will tell you just about everything. And they will pray to you and the lights when they are happy and healthy. It is a very great feeling to see them bushes pray.

But for now in the seedling phase we just want to focus on proper watering and conditions. Seedling phase is just as important as any other if not more important. It's not often a sick seedling bounces back to be a stellar plant. It can happen but not very often.

As long as you don't under or over water you shouldn't have too many issues this early.

Cheers folks. We shall see you again with maybe one more seedling phase class and then we shall move on to the veg phase.

Again. If any one has any questions. Fire away. And if you know of any more new growers on site. Send them this way. Still plenty of seats in school daze where the joints are rolling and the plants are growing .
Hello classroom mates.

Professor @Ash-a-Ton PhD, 420, Msg PeRv, B-Hons FRSS (Fellow of the Royal Society of Stoners) has an excellent following. Listen up well chums, he knows of what he speaketh. Verily he is right on the money.

You are pitching the lessons very well. Not too OTT and not over simplistic. Could do with more Penguin content (porn) but that is a mute point.

Top job fella !

eP........(The one in the corner with the dunces cap!)
Hello classroom mates.

Professor @Ash-a-Ton PhD, 420, Msg PeRv, B-Hons FRSS (Fellow of the Royal Society of Stoners) has an excellent following. Listen up well chums, he knows of what he speaketh. Verily he is right on the money.

You are pitching the lessons very well. Not too OTT and not over simplistic. Could do with more Penguin content (porn) but that is a mute point.

Top job fella !

eP........(The one in the corner with the dunces cap!)
This what you looking for?

Lol cheers fella. Thanks for the drop in.