Mephisto Genetics Strawberry Nuggets, single plant Ebb and Flow

Welllll this isn't going all that great from a maintenance standpoint.

The plant is healthy(ish), but I'm getting really tired of manually pruning the roots every 2 days and so is she getting tired of it.

Every 2 days i trim off a bunch of roots, try a new stilt or a new flood cycle with an increasing dry period but roots continue to grow out of the pot.

I probably wont tolerate this much longer honestly, I'll go back to dwc and deal with those issues as these are actually more annoying... I'm not ready to give up on her yet, but I'll only experiment a couple more days with increasing dry times before she gets the boot and I consider this a worthwhile but failed experiment.

This is what she looks like (day 16) after I trim the roots. The leaves get all turned and wonked out.
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Put pantyhose on it to keep control of the roots that leave the pot.
Day 32 update:

Things are on track. I figured out a way to air prune the roots, which I'll explain below.

Here she is at day 32



To fix my issue with roots growing into the flood chamber I did two things. First, I made it so the roots can only grow out of one smaller drain instead of out of the bottom:


Then I added a fan blowing through a length of PVC directly over the drain. This seems to air prune the roots pretty well:

The fan blows air through the pvc, and I line her pot up so that it blows directly over the drain.

Any roots that pop out are pruned back fairly quickly. Air pruning is not stressful to her like it was when I was having to use scissors to prune the roots.

Here she is when I put her back into the tent.

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in your gardens!
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A week ago I accidentally overdosed her with Potassium. She is mostly recovered and things are generally running smooth.
Day 47:




I will likely do some defoliation in the next week or so when I feel she is back to 100%
A week ago I accidentally overdosed her with Potassium. She is mostly recovered and things are generally running smooth.
Day 47:
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I will likely do some defoliation in the next week or so when I feel she is back to 100%
Just a heads up, drying your roots out with a fan could be the cause of your "overdose". When roots dry out too rapidly, it can cause overdose like symptoms. I noticed your plant looked much healthier before your fan was added. Just wanted to throw it out there, incase the fan is the culprit, not your feeding. Good luck, peace slowandeasy
Just a heads up, drying your roots out with a fan could be the cause of your "overdose". When roots dry out too rapidly, it can cause overdose like symptoms. I noticed your plant looked much healthier before your fan was added. Just wanted to throw it out there, incase the fan is the culprit, not your feeding. Good luck, peace slowandeasy

Hey man, thanks for stoppin by!

It's definitely possible. The fan doesn't move much air through that curvy pipe, but it's enough to hit any roots that sneak out of the pot with air.

However, it is possible that the fan is actually drying out the roots and as you said the timing is suspicious.

I need to keep the fan or roots grow out wildly into the system, so I will decrease the time between floods by an hour.

This should also help with all the algae I just cleaned out of the flood chamber... Water sitting stagnant for too long, so hopefully more frequent floods will address that as well now that I cleaned it all out.
Hey man, thanks for stoppin by!

It's definitely possible. The fan doesn't move much air through that curvy pipe, but it's enough to hit any roots that sneak out of the pot with air.

However, it is possible that the fan is actually drying out the roots and as you said the timing is suspicious.

I need to keep the fan or roots grow out wildly into the system, so I will decrease the time between floods by an hour.

This should also help with all the algae I just cleaned out of the flood chamber... Water sitting stagnant for too long, so hopefully more frequent floods will address that as well now that I cleaned it all out.
I understand, just wanted to let you know that I personally think the fan may be the culprit. I know from experience that roots drying out rapidly by air will cause Overdose like symptoms. It will do it in Coco if it dries out too much, I have used Airdomes many times. Your plant looked perfect and then you added the fan. Then it got a little effected. I like the concept, but I am afraid the fan is doing a little harm. Good luck! Slowandeasy
I understand, just wanted to let you know that I personally think the fan may be the culprit. I know from experience that roots drying out rapidly by air will cause Overdose like symptoms. It will do it in Coco if it dries out too much, I have used Airdomes many times. Your plant looked perfect and then you added the fan. Then it got a little effected. I like the concept, but I am afraid the fan is doing a little harm. Good luck! Slowandeasy

All good man, I'm glad you pointed it out. Tricky to get it all balanced, but hopefully I'll get everything working in harmony here soon.
All good man, I'm glad you pointed it out. Tricky to get it all balanced, but hopefully I'll get everything working in harmony here soon.
Your plant grew nicely. I just have a feeling that your fan is what caused your symptoms. May I make a suggestion? I read your thread and looked at your pictures closely. You are using a rather large portion of the tent with your Rez, you may have better luck with DWC if you are only growing 1 plant at a time. You wont have to worry about pruining roots. You could use the same Rez, and do away with the Upper portion. The reason I suggest this is also due to light intensity. Cobs are stronger than we think. Too much light is not good for the plants. I believe you have 200 Watts in there? That is a lot for 1 plant using COBS, if turned up too much. That can also cause stress like symptoms, just from too much COBS. If you see stress of ANY kind, I suggest turning your lights down to reduce further stress. I have dozens of Cobs, and light stress can happen from 1 Cob at 55 watts if too close. No matter what size tent you have, be aware of the intensity Cobs produce. They are like a spotlight. Anyways, you have a of the stuff for DWC. I would recommend you give it's go next grow, you will need the height for larger/taller strains. Strawberry Nuggets structure is wide and not very tall. If you need any help, ok me. Peacez slow
Your plant grew nicely. I just have a feeling that your fan is what caused your symptoms. May I make a suggestion? I read your thread and looked at your pictures closely. You are using a rather large portion of the tent with your Rez, you may have better luck with DWC if you are only growing 1 plant at a time. You wont have to worry about pruining roots. You could use the same Rez, and do away with the Upper portion. The reason I suggest this is also due to light intensity. Cobs are stronger than we think. Too much light is not good for the plants. I believe you have 200 Watts in there? That is a lot for 1 plant using COBS, if turned up too much. That can also cause stress like symptoms, just from too much COBS. If you see stress of ANY kind, I suggest turning your lights down to reduce further stress. I have dozens of Cobs, and light stress can happen from 1 Cob at 55 watts if too close. No matter what size tent you have, be aware of the intensity Cobs produce. They are like a spotlight. Anyways, you have a of the stuff for DWC. I would recommend you give it's go next grow, you will need the height for larger/taller strains. Strawberry Nuggets structure is wide and not very tall. If you need any help, ok me. Peacez slow

I've actually been thinking the same. I'm setting up another tent right now which is exactly the same size, and so far planning DWC with it.

I have seen a few journals where using 1 gallon pots of hydroton will keep autos pretty small, but the algae and issues with having to air prune the roots are sort of turning me off of ebb and flow. And like you mentioned, the height is definitely not optimal.

Do you think I could fit an auto in DWC in a 24x24x56 inch tent?

I agree on the lights, that it's important to dim them at any sign of stress. I keep a pretty close eye on them. Right now that light is dimmed to pull 90 watts. If the plant isn't praying, I usually dim until she is, and then increase every other day. I take lux readings in the center and corners anytime I have to pH the rez to make sure I'm still in a good range while she is growing vertically.
I've actually been thinking the same. I'm setting up another tent right now which is exactly the same size, and so far planning DWC with it.

I have seen a few journals where using 1 gallon pots of hydroton will keep autos pretty small, but the algae and issues with having to air prune the roots are sort of turning me off of ebb and flow. And like you mentioned, the height is definitely not optimal.

Do you think I could fit an auto in DWC in a 24x24x56 inch tent?

I agree on the lights, that it's important to dim them at any sign of stress. I keep a pretty close eye on them. Right now that light is dimmed to pull 90 watts. If the plant isn't praying, I usually dim until she is, and then increase every other day. I take lux readings in the center and corners anytime I have to pH the rez to make sure I'm still in a good range while she is growing vertically.
Yes, depending on the strain of course. You don't want to do a Large Strain in that space. But a medium or small strain will be fine. I use Coco and small pots. Plants don't get rootbounding effects in Coco like other mediums. You could try Halo Rings and Coco. You have a pump and Rez already. Just throwing out options. I don't do DWC anymore because the plants get too big for my liking. But you can do it easily, with your current set up. Just don't grow a Large Strain in a 2x2 and in DWC. Between Ebb and flow, I would do DWC. But I or Coco over both. Don't go bigger than 2gal of you try Coco. Flood 2-5x per day in Coco. Almost impossible to overwater once they are a few weeks old. I think you would Enjoy Coco and Halo rings or Drippers. No root pruining needed. Use Char Coir Coco. And 1 or 2 gal pots of Straight Coco. Treat it like Hydro. If you have another tent set up and haven't started it. Go Coco bro