stress to force hermi



ok i have run outa room in my tent so i gota take a girl out for now new tent next week so outa tent means outa the house thay starting to smell the place out when outa tent so atm she is in the greenhouse in the day and the shed at night she has been outside for like 3 days now and its still a lil cold out there atm min temp an night is like 4C is this likley to make her hermi or die am thinking more along the lines im gona loose her but if she lives and hermies for me then i would have some nice pollen i would like to hermi her if poss as i have no choice that i can see atm till like mid week a few pics of her today (if i have poasted this in the wrong place please move it admin )

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I would try to get her off the ground. A cold root zone will create some deficiencies, so she will start to eat herself and die. At least until it starts to warm up. 4'c at night will just slow her growth. I had some JEM's that were going through -1 nights and single digit days. Still were growing.. slowly, but they weren't crispy at least until the first hard frost came.

So if you can manage for a few weeks, you might make it over the hump.