Sugar leaves yellowing


Learning as I grow
Cultivators Club
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
3Wok OG

Just looking for some advice on my big girl. Her sugar leaves have been yellowing lately and I’m wondering if it was from too much light. I noticed some top buds feel dryer, but I’ve had a fan close to her because I couldn’t open her up further.. to prevent mold. She is currently roughly 36 days into her flower cycle or more. I’m aware of possible bud rot, but I’ve noticed she isn’t drinking as much either. So I’m wondering if she’s coming to the end of her life? I don’t have a reliable digital microscope right now and won’t have one until possibly next week. From what I can see using 40x loupe with my shitty iPhone camera, most of her looks cloudy. Just hoping I don’t have bud rot but I can’t see any as of yet. She is very dense so a bit worried.. especially because icant use my android scope as I only have access to an iPhone right now.




Alot of strains will start to yellow as they get close to harvest,I wouldn't worry about it much.

Is the yellowing only on the top part of the plant(close to the light) or is it all over??

If its just near the top,then the yellowing MIGHT be because its too close to the light,but it could also just be getting close to harvest as top buds usually finish sooner and the leaves MAY start yellowing
Alot of strains will start to yellow as they get close to harvest,I wouldn't worry about it much.

Is the yellowing only on the top part of the plant(close to the light) or is it all over??

If its just near the top,then the yellowing MIGHT be because its too close to the light,but it could also just be getting close to harvest as top buds usually finish sooner and the leaves MAY start yellowing

Yes it seems pretty much all the tops. I know there will be a minor build up happening because I haven’t been feeding twice a day too often lately. She is using less water. Just a lil worried because her tops are very dense, but some of them are dry to the touch. I’ve pulled at a couple sugar leaves and they aren’t ripping right out so that makes it a bit better in Terms of ruling out bud rot. Just unsure how long I’m gonna let her go until I can get a microscope sorted. Those loupes suck haha. I’ll prob have to do a partial harvest when the time comes since some buds underneath won’t Be getting as much light. Just don’t want her goin too long and possibly molding over. My humidity ranges from 60-65 lately. RIght now humidity is at 68. Real bitch to bring down with my shitty rhino fan
What strain is it? This happened to my Strawberry Nuggets. At first I thought it was a magnesium issue so I gave her a little epsom here and there. But thinking back on it, I believe it was a little light burn from getting too close to the lights in the veg tent. I ended up moving to the flower tent and she ran the normal course and all was fine.
What strain is it? This happened to my Strawberry Nuggets. At first I thought it was a magnesium issue so I gave her a little epsom here and there. But thinking back on it, I believe it was a little light burn from getting too close to the lights in the veg tent. I ended up moving to the flower tent and she ran the normal course and all was fine.

3Wok. The light was quite close a while back. I’ve raised it since then.
Yes it seems pretty much all the tops. I know there will be a minor build up happening because I haven’t been feeding twice a day too often lately. She is using less water. Just a lil worried because her tops are very dense, but some of them are dry to the touch. I’ve pulled at a couple sugar leaves and they aren’t ripping right out so that makes it a bit better in Terms of ruling out bud rot. Just unsure how long I’m gonna let her go until I can get a microscope sorted. Those loupes suck haha. I’ll prob have to do a partial harvest when the time comes since some buds underneath won’t Be getting as much light. Just don’t want her goin too long and possibly molding over. My humidity ranges from 60-65 lately. RIght now humidity is at 68. Real bitch to bring down with my shitty rhino fan
Try to drop your R/H if you’re worried about bud rot.
3Wok. The light was quite close a while back. I’ve raised it since then.

I'll run the 3wok once I get the 4x4 back up. Still getting my legs back under me after this move. 4x2 will go up this week though. Anyway...

Looks like she has a bit to go to me though. I like to put a fan (or two) on the tent floor blowing up into the canopies for better airflow. Not sure if that is an option for you if you are concerned about rot. When I had similar take place on the Nuggets, it was only the tops as well.
I'll run the 3wok once I get the 4x4 back up. Still getting my legs back under me after this move. 4x2 will go up this week though. Anyway...

Looks like she has a bit to go to me though. I like to put a fan (or two) on the tent floor blowing up into the canopies for better airflow. Not sure if that is an option for you if you are concerned about rot. When I had similar take place on the Nuggets, it was only the tops as well.

I personally think she has another week or two tops. She’s supposed to Be ready for 70 days. shes 71 days today, and exactly 37 Days into flower. It’s real hard to see the trichomes right now without being able to use my android microscope. I’m thinking around 80-90 days but don’t want her going too long just in case. I have a tower fan that blows most air on her, and another fan sitting on the floor blowing air around. I can’t adjust either fan to point upwards though. Only got a spare clip on fan but not much air can Be generated from it, and don’t have a spare pole up to clip her onto it as it’s a closet grow. My setup is shit until I can afford to fork out on better extractor fan and stuff :(