Photoperiod Teetee goes to the 'dark side'


Lost in Space
Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2015
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Thanks for tuning in for another Teehee grow. I can''t believe it's been a full 3 months since I jarred up my last mega-harvest!

I will be interested to see what the quarterly electric bill will be like, as this is the first time I have not had the set up running 24/7 in about 4 years.

It's been lovely not having the fans on.... living rurally, I've really enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Alas, it's time to put a stop to all that, and finally get another grow on.... don't wanna run out of bud, and there's a house inspection in May.

Also it's getting into Summer here, and it's gonna be a hot one... temps are already up in the mid 30°C's, and it stays up in the mid to high 20°C's at night.

I'm used to growing Autos under 24/0 lights, and in the Summer, I have to run air-con 24/0 as well.... I was chewing up the 'leccy, so this time I thought I should run some photoperiod plants instead.... that would make a big dent in my lighting bill, but the fans will still have to be on 24/0 as well as the air-con.

There's a few reasons why I haven't been growing during the last 3 months...

  1. we had a house inspection in Nov, so I couldn't do anything from Sept to Nov.
  2. I had loads of bud from the last grow..... loads of it, man!
  3. I've been waiting for a package from Dinafem with my prize for winning the AFN Dinafem Best Picture competition in November.
Well, I was about to give up hope, but on Monday, it arrived! Father Christmas popped round early!

Big thanks to @Dinafem-Mark for having a word with Santa and getting the elves to pack this lot up for me....
Dinafem freebies 1.JPG

A very fabulous Humboldt T shirt and a little bag stuffed with goodies...
Dinafem freebies 3.JPG

...skins, roaches, grinder, sticker, and most importantly:
  • Blue Amnesia XXL Auto x5,
  • Gorilla Fem x5
  • Purple Afghan Kush Fem x6
Pretty much everything I need to get caned apart from nutes, coco and lights!

I have a nice big seed collection, about 180 seeds in all, mainly Autos, but a few Regs and a few Fems.....

I’ve only grown Autos, except for my ill-fated first ever home grow back in the UK, where I grew some Barney’s Farm feminised ‘Pineapple Chunk’ in a fancy wardrobe and RDWC set up, which I chopped early and destroyed the evidence before emigrating in a hurry, ahem.

So as I’m a relative newbie to photo's, and crossed to the ‘dark’ side, please join me on my latest quest!

I have a shiny pack of Dutch Passion's 'Des Frans' sitting there that my main man @DutchPassionTony sent me last year, and I've been desperate to try some after reading AutoMaster's numerous reports as to how strong she can be. This would be a nice addition to the new Dinafem Fems that Mark sent me.

We had a mental storm on Friday, ripped trees out of the ground, lines came down and we had a power cut for 24 hours..... not a good thing if I'm planning a photo grow......

Mind you, my tent is hardly what you call 'light-proof' - this is just the front door, lights on.....
light leaks.JPG

There's a few other rips, dodgy zips and thinned out bits, so it's gonna be hard maintaining a dark period during the (bright) heat of the day, as I was planning on doing.

On top of that worry, I opened the little bar fridge that I have up here for my oil and seeds.... the fucking thing had defrosted during the power outage, and filled the lower compartment up with water.... the compartment where I keep the seeds!!!!!

The whole lot was under water, so I had to go into salvage mode, fuck Christmas, seeds came first.

The Dutch Passion metal cans all leaked, I poured out the water and found the paper packets inside were drenched... luckily they are lined with plastic, and after opening a few with shaky sweaty hands, I realised they were sealed water tight, and all good.

The Dinafem cans also had leaked, but the seeds inside were in plastic vials, and they were fine. The new 'prize' seeds didn't even make it to the fridge, cos I'm such a lazy stoner.

So Chrissy was back on!

I always grow 4 plants in 20L airpots, so that's not gonna change.... apart from that I now realise they are 25L.... I went through 2x 50L bags of Coco.

I've decided on:
  • 1x Dutch Passion 'Des Frans' - 100% Sativa, super strong cross of 'Destroyer' x 'Destroyer'
  • 1x Dinafem 'Gorilla' - 60% Indica 40% Sativa, cross of Chocolate Diesel x Chem Sister x Sour Dubb
  • 2x Dinafem 'Purple Afghan Kush' - 100% Indica, cross of Purple Kush x Pre'98 Bubba Kush
this run.JPG

These are some top drawer strains!

The plan is to grow these out, take a few cuttings before flipping over to 12/12 and re-veg the cuttings for a second grow to end just before the May inspection.

They take 8-9 weeks in flowering, so with 4 weeks veg, this grow shouldn't take much longer than any of my big Auto grows... they've tended to take 12-15 weeks in total, so these Fems will be much the same.

After years of growing Autos, I feel I know the cycle of the plant reasonably well, and I'm ready to join the big(ger) boys. I know they are Fems, but it's a step closer.... I have some old Regs sitting around, but I can't be arsed dealing with males. My grow time is precious and I need to get good results each time.

I got my trusty 25L airpots and filled them with coco, soaked them with EC 0.7 feed made up of 0.3ml/L House and Garden Cocos A&B, 0.1ml/L drip clean, 0.3ml/L Roots Excellurator and 0.3ml/L Nitrogen boost mixed into EC 0 rainwater. We've had loads, so the tank is full to the brim.

I planted the seeds about 2cm under the surface, covered each pot with clingfilm and stuck them under a Skyline 400 LED at max height for a bit of warmth.

This is them before plonking some card on top to keep the light out....

They usually take 48-72 hours to show their heads, so I'll let you know how they go.

I usually use a Bluelab Guardian, trusty, reliable and quick pH and EC readings. Unfortunately, my pH probe has been giving me grief for the best part of a year... I replaced the probe and I'm still getting weird readings... a good pH2 or 3 over what it should be. and I can't recalibrate it, because the unit brings up an error message whenever the pH is more than pH1 out.

I've been faffing around making 'recalibration' solutions of varying pH's to nudge the set pH down, but it never quite gets there, so I am gonna have to send it off to get looked at..... luckily I have an old Bluelab pH pen that recalibrated correctly and works, so although it's a bit slow compared to the instant readings that you get with the Guardian, it will do until I get my Guardian sorted.

I also have a Bluelab truncheon, but that seems to be about EC1 lower than it should be.... WTF.... these can't be recalibrated, so I'm stuck on that one. Luckily I keep a spreadsheet of all my grows, and I've listed the amounts of each additive I've given with each feed, and the resulting EC's, so I can always refer to that if needed.

So that's it for now, hope you all have a great festive break, and I wish the best of health, wealth and growing karma to you all for 2019!
Hey welcome back! If you want to do autos well and photos with lower cost look into co2 the more co2 the higher the temps can be. most plants can handle 80f-82f with proper co2 ppm around 2000+ and the right humidity.Also if its like here cretin times power cost less. Like peak hours it cost more like from 7am to 6pm electricity cost more . I think If you wanted you could run the xxl auto with the photos and get great results. Have you looked at those strains already ? Like do you know if your going to be topping? Also with photos you can make a clone and keep them for mothers to make more later. They can be tiny ones in a cup or small pot. Nice group of seeds too. Im curious to see how their version of gorilla glue comes out.
seasons greetings :xmas: and welcome back to the grow game :footy:even if you are playing for the other side :cools:
good luck n keep er lit.....or half lit :baked:

Thanks Archie, hope you had a good one.... New Year next... I remember my Mum used to put on Andy Stewart's Hogmanay show every year, she knew all the verses to ' For auld lang syne...' and would insist on us all linking arms and singing along.

Save some for me Bro, and make yourself at home.... jars are over there, skins on the tray.

Hey welcome back! If you want to do autos well.....
Thanks DA, good to be back on the grow again! I used CO2 in a closed system many years back, it was perfect for high temps, but I dunno if I can do with all that hassle again.

I do manage to get modest results with my Autos....

you could run the xxl auto with the photos and get great results. Have you looked at those strains already ?
yeah, I have tried the Blue Amnesia XXL already.... in fact, I'm smoking some right now. This is how she looked before I chopped her last September....
day 102 BA 1.JPG

.... she gave me 18.4 ounces - dry of course. 521g.

and the White Widow XXL that I grew along side her gave me 15 ounces (429g)...
day 102 WW 1.JPG

do you know if your going to be topping? Also with photos you can make a clone and keep them for mothers to make more later. They can be tiny ones in a cup or small pot. Nice group of seeds too. Im curious to see how their version of gorilla glue comes out.
I might do... I never did much interfering with my Autos, except to stake them out and defoliate the lower stems... even then, nothing during the first 28 days in case of stressing them and causing growth delays in the limited veg time that Autois have.

Now that I can control the veg time with these Fems, maybe yes, I might do a bit of fiddling around, topping, supercropping etc... I would be interested in knowing when and when not to.... same for cloning.... I do intend to do this, and will need some advice on this as well.

Thanks for complimenting the choice of strains.... that's why I waited on the Dinafems, or else I would have done some old Seedsman Fems that I bought 4 years ago... I need Dutch Passion and Dinafem stability to make up for any cock ups! I'm hoping the Gorilla will knock me out and glue me to the sofa!
Day 8 update

This is my first update of 2019 so I wish all my fellow growers here on AFN a very happy New Year full of bountiful harvests, health and happiness!

New Year big ups especially go to:
@archie gemmill
@LED Borg

and of course, @DutchPassionTony and @Dinafem-Mark for the magic beans!

Just a quick update as they are so young, so here they are as a group...

group 5.JPG

clockwise from top left: PAK 2, Des Frans, PAK 1 and Gorilla

PAK 1 isn't looking so hot. She was the first to show, and started well, but by about day 4 it was obvious she wasn't growing.... she was getting discolouration in the leaves that now look pale green around the edges with central darker patches around the veins.

I'm feeding her the same as the others... an EC 0.8 pH 5.8 light mix with 0.3ml/L A&B in EC 0 rainwater buffered up with 0.2ml/L Cal Mag, 0.3ml/L Roots Excellurator, and 0.3ml/L Nitrogen Boost. She seems to be slowly picking up, so I'm not worried, although I might dilute her feeds down a touch.

The other PAK, is looking perfect....

You can see how much more PAK 2 is developed compared to PAK 1.... the 1st 3 set of leaves are much bigger, and the 2nd set of 3 leaves are well on the way with PAK 2.... also the colour is much healthier.

The others are also doing well...
The Gorilla next...

and finally the Des Frans...

I've been feeding every other day, about a litre circumferentially to keep the oxygen levels up in the bulk of the pot and encourage lateral root growth, and also a 100ml squirt using a syringe just around the stem.

Just a touch of run off, but I use Drip Clean and will be giving more substantial quantities soon.... I don't wanna drown them in the early days, and I want them to have roots that grow outwards searching for water and nutrient, rather than having the tap root just racing downwards, so that's why I circumferentially water early on.

I started on an EC0.7 mix, and upped it to the current EC0.8 on day 5.... as I said, I might drop the EC to 0.7 for the PAK 1, and keep up with normal feeds for the others for a few more days before thinking about increasing the EC again.

I also plan to give them a good amount of feed this weekend, and really flush through the airpots to re-oxygenate and get rid of stale nute.

I have them under 2x Skyline 400's, and will probably put them under a Skyline 400 each in a week, depending on when I can be bothered to change a plug on one of them.... 3 are UK plugs and one is an Aussie. I prefer the UK style.... nice and solid... you know where you are with them! The Aussie ones are a pain, you have to pull back the rubber cover (with difficulty) to expose the wiring and you have to loop the wires inside to prevent accidental yank outs...

Don't even ask me how hot it is here.... fuck sake..... I'm just wearing pants!

Have a great weekend!
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